#avr Logs

Apr 20 2021

#avr Calendar

01:32 AM rue_bed2: so, i have an lcd, hd44780
01:39 AM rue_bed2: if I set the position or the cursor, it locks into a busy state
03:26 AM twnqx: some pins are... different, e.g. you need to deactivate JTAG on a megau32 to get access to access to some pins
03:27 AM Sponge5: twnqx: interesting, in that case I'll look more into the documentation if that's the case here
03:27 AM Sponge5: thanks
03:28 AM Sponge5: though I'm sceptical, if they can also be used as ADC, then they should be configurable as input
03:28 AM twnqx: oh, they most likely are
03:29 AM twnqx: you might just have to do unexpected things first to make them usable :)
03:29 AM Sponge5: ahh, I see
05:37 AM vmt: yup, you might have to, for example, sell your mother or sister into slavery
05:40 AM vmt: or your first born
07:53 AM Sponge5: not sure if my message got through so here goes again:
07:53 AM Sponge5: Ok, so I've set the ADMUX (and ADCSRB) registers according to the documentation to bypass ADC for all pins except ADC5. I still can't catch HIGH on the (now digital?) pin
07:56 AM Sponge5: Disabling ADC by setting `ADCSRA &= ~_BV(ADEN)` also doesn't seem to work
08:40 AM specing_ is now known as specing
08:39 PM specing_ is now known as specing
08:47 PM rue_mohr: can someone give me a valid us zip code?
08:47 PM rue_mohr: I tried 90210
09:08 PM Rab: 02881
09:09 PM vmt: 90210 is the most valid zip code