#avr Logs

Apr 15 2021

#avr Calendar

04:15 AM navnavnavnavnav: vmt just seen your message; Bloom allows devs to debug their uC code, on their uC, via their IDE of choice, instead of being forced to use the manufacture's IDE
04:36 AM skz81: navnavnavnavnav, surprizing it did not found your github tho... Maybe I did not dig enough, but meh, I searched for "bloom debug", your readme matches much moar than many 1st page results I got :p
04:37 AM skz81: Maybe fooled by the p-rank or wht-so-ever ref based algo
04:41 AM navnavnavnavnav: I don't think there are any links to the gihub repo, as that's quite new (I only created it about two weeks ago). Don't think Google can find it if nothing links to it. But I've setup a "Google Search Console" account and submitted the URL there, so I expect Google to begin crawling soon
04:53 AM twnqx: does it wortk if my "IDE" is emacs + bash?
04:53 AM twnqx: it looks like it just uses a gdb bridge, which is promising
04:56 AM navnavnavnavnav: Do you mean you just use the GDB command line interface for debugging? If so then yeah, it should work fine with that. That's what I've (mostly) been testing with
04:57 AM twnqx: yeah, i still have not found an IDE i like, ever since borland's DOS days
04:57 AM twnqx: i wonder if rhide is still maintained after all these years
04:58 AM twnqx: apparently not.
04:58 AM cehteh_: i am pretty happy with the most recent/bleeding edge emacs stuff (gccemacs) ... decent performance to load even fancier extensions
04:59 AM navnavnavnavnav: I've been using Jetbrains IDEs for almost a decade now, I think they're great, though a bit clunky at times
04:59 AM cehteh_: https://akrl.sdf.org/gccemacs.html
04:59 AM cehteh_: compiles elips to native code for a big speedup
05:02 AM * twnqx sets a few more bookmarks
07:08 AM specing_ is now known as specing
10:21 AM vmt: navnavnavnavnav: cool, debugwire then yeah?
10:21 AM vmt: ...not
10:23 AM vmt: also i imagine y'all ought to drop that clion plug unless jetgroins are paying you
10:23 AM twnqx: clion?
10:24 AM vmt: on his site
10:24 AM vmt: anyway, wetbrains makes poor editors but their business model is admirable
10:25 AM vmt: you copy paste the codebase into a new product and change the icon
10:32 AM twnqx: dunno, i know people who like their editors. personally, never used them
10:37 AM vmt: i know
10:42 AM navnavnavnavnav: ha, that is kind of true. But IMO the editors are really neat. They just work and let you do so many useful things. But yeah, there is little different in terms of functionality between their different products. But i guess that's why they offer IntelliJ with all the plugins (though I don't think there's an official C/C++ plugin just yet)
10:43 AM navnavnavnavnav: RE the debugwire question, yep, Bloom supports debugWire
10:43 AM navnavnavnavnav: but just FYI, jtag and UPDI have been temporarily disabled in the first beta. Just because I didn't have enough time to test them
10:44 AM navnavnavnavnav: I'm going to order some more uCs for the JTAG testing. Not sure when I'll get to UPDI
10:48 AM vmt: oh, that's actually nice
10:48 AM vmt: though i mean, just contributing to openocd could've been an option
10:57 AM navnavnavnavnav: Yeah I did consider that, along with avarice, but the main reason against doing it was the multi-platform support. I just don't like dealing with codebases that are polluted with ifdefs for the different platforms. I've never referred to myself as a windows or mac os dev, I know nothing about them and I don't really want to change that. I just want to serve the Linux community for now. And I think it's fair to say that
10:57 AM navnavnavnavnav: things would be, at least to some degree, better for Linux users if Linux devs had done the same (only focused on Linux).
11:03 AM vmt: navnavnavnavnav: perhaps; anyway, cool project
11:04 AM navnavnavnavnav: Thanks vmt. If you try it out, let me know if you have any issues :)
11:07 AM vmt: haven't used avrs in a long time, though i have plenty left in various drawers. perhaps i'll check it some day just to play around
07:07 PM specing_ is now known as specing