#avr Logs

Apr 11 2021

#avr Calendar

04:01 PM Samantaz is now known as SamantazFox
05:02 PM specing_ is now known as specing
05:04 PM vmt: can't but love the electronics channel
05:31 PM exp: since the death of a couple of people i respected in there, and the death of my respect for others, i don't bother
05:31 PM exp: it is too depressing
05:35 PM twnqx: i hope their death wasn't related to the channel's subject :S
05:36 PM vmt: probably related to some "y'all need to try this great life hack with mains" article from hackaday
05:37 PM vmt: i've no idea. it seems as if most people on the channel are autists, and i don't even mean that in a (necessarily) derogatory fashion
05:38 PM vmt: i mean, this is the general trend amonst freenode in general, given it's a bunch of software nerds, ...
05:42 PM exp: I don't know the channel's subject, so hard to say, but I knew at least `n2` from there