#avr Logs

Mar 31 2021

#avr Calendar

01:51 AM rue_mohr: have you found ANY timing waveforms for rts/cts?
05:11 AM exp: rue_mohr: this is DTR, over USB, there's no actual serial line
05:11 AM exp: only a virtual signal
06:00 AM Miyu is now known as hackkitten
08:40 AM rue_bed: ah, not after a converter
08:40 AM twnqx: yeah, he's down in ACM class hell
08:43 AM exp: it's not quite hell yet ;-)
08:43 AM exp: I don't know what I can get that will decode USB though
08:43 AM exp: I have a midrange LA, a DS2072A, and a moderate budget
08:43 AM exp: any recommendations?
08:44 AM twnqx: use linux and just wireshark the usb on an usbmon :P
08:45 AM exp: done, but it doesn't offer decoding
08:45 AM exp: and it's incredibly tedious dealing with large volumes
08:45 AM exp: twnqx: that's how I debugged the flashing issue
08:45 AM exp: but I don't really know if it'll be sufficient for ACM debugging
08:45 AM twnqx: imrpove wireshark :P
08:46 AM twnqx: no idea, honestly, it was always good enough for me
08:46 AM exp: honestly I don't quite understand why there aren't already dissectors
08:46 AM exp: I might consider it, but for now I'd really just like an off the shelf decoder
08:46 AM specing_ is now known as specing
11:28 AM DusXMT: Hey there, I see that this room is about stm32 chips as well, I just got myself a nucleo32 dev board, managed to get a development environment working (a pretty bare UNIX one, I might look into CubeMX if I get tired of writing initialization code), and I programmed it with st-flash, and while the program does appear to work (I got the LED to blink), I'm getting this rather concerning message from the
11:28 AM DusXMT: flasher: https://dpaste.org/jE8m
11:31 AM DusXMT: I installed the stlink-tools package from the base Debian repository, v1.5.1
11:33 AM DusXMT: It does say that the verification was completed successfully, and it returned a 0 exit code, but the error message about the flasher runtime error is somewhat concerning - it appears to have trouble flashing the very last page of the file?
11:33 AM exp: fwiw DusXMT, 1.6.1 is available in backports
11:33 AM exp: I don't know if that will solve your problem, but it may help
11:33 AM DusXMT: I'll try!
11:34 AM exp: in fact, you don't need to, you will need to build your own version
11:34 AM exp: this is an issue on their github, #979
11:35 AM exp: closed with a rework of the flash code barely a week ago
11:35 AM DusXMT: Oh, neat! Thanks for looking it up for me, I was wondering if it was a common issue and not something to worry about, that's why I asked here first
11:35 AM exp: https://github.com/stlink-org/stlink/pull/1113
11:35 AM exp: a whole range of issues seem to be resolved by it
11:36 AM DusXMT: Excelelnt, thanks a lot!
11:40 AM DusXMT: Also, I wonder, is it neccessary to perform a flash erase before flashing a program? Since it was included in one of the Makefiles that I used as inspiration for mine, but it takes a rather long time, with 512K
11:41 AM * DusXMT is completely new to this platform, or ARM microcontrollers in general
11:42 AM exp: I've not done much with stms, not enough to know I'm afraid
11:42 AM exp: someone here will though, it's generally quiet but just stick around
11:42 AM DusXMT: certainly, I'm not in a hurry :)
11:51 AM nohit: i havent even heard about that before
11:51 AM nohit: i use openocd
11:51 AM nohit: or ST's own programmer
11:54 AM DusXMT: I guess I'll give openocd a try
11:56 AM DusXMT: The newest version of stlink-tools from git appears even more broken
12:00 PM nohit: btw are you using any HAL ?
12:02 PM DusXMT: nohit: Indeed
12:02 PM nohit: opencm3 ?
12:02 PM nohit: or CubeHAL ?
12:02 PM nohit: or are you writing everything from scratch
12:02 PM DusXMT: STM32CubeL1
12:02 PM nohit: ah ok
12:03 PM DusXMT: It appears to be released under a 3-clause BSD license
12:04 PM nohit: i wrote a little quick start guide for using them without a HAL https://avrs.fi/arm/
12:04 PM DusXMT: https://github.com/STMicroelectronics/STM32CubeL1
12:04 PM DusXMT: nohit: Nifty! I might take a look
12:04 PM DusXMT: I'm primarily interested in this board because of a university course I'm taking, where I have to make a project using it, so given the time constraints, I think I'll use the HAL for now
12:05 PM nohit: sure, that's a wise choice
12:06 PM * DusXMT 's project is to make an interactive UI for an SPI LCD touch-screen
12:07 PM DusXMT: (Picked it since I kinda wanna mess around with LCD screens on microcontrollers more, I hope to also make a serial console with a larger screen and perhaps an AVR chip (since I'm more familiar with those))
12:07 PM nohit: cool
12:14 PM exp: nohit: oh this is excellent, i'll find this useful in the future
12:14 PM exp: i'll be switching out the hardware i make from avr to stm as soon as I have enough time to work out all the kinks, this seems like it will reduce the time considerably
12:17 PM nohit: great
12:21 PM exp: thank you for creating it
12:25 PM nohit: np
12:27 PM DusXMT: nohit: I wonder, is it normal for openocd to remain open after it's finished flashing? I've used your `$(OCD) -f $(OCD_BRD_CFG) -c "program $(OBJ)/$(PRG).elf verify reset"' rule
12:28 PM DusXMT: https://dpaste.org/CeN1 - after it's done, it remains open
12:29 PM nohit: yes
12:30 PM DusXMT: In that case, wonderful, thanks a lot! :)
12:30 PM nohit: np
04:17 PM ian_ is now known as Igloo
08:47 PM specing_ is now known as specing