#avr Logs

Mar 26 2021

#avr Calendar

01:54 AM blb4393: hello, i'm using gcc with an avr mC. Say I have a string compare function and call it strcmp(&myArray[0], "testpattern"); It dosnt' work because "testpattern" is in flash I suppose and myArray is a static char array in RAM. Is there a way to address a const string in flash without copying it into RAM first?
04:28 AM exp: why do people leave 10 mins after asking questions
08:47 AM specing_ is now known as specing
12:27 PM jancoow: XD
07:08 PM rue_shop2: exp, ANSWERS NOW!!!
08:32 PM ephemer0l is now known as ephemer0l_
08:47 PM specing_ is now known as specing