#avr Logs

Feb 21 2021

#avr Calendar

12:29 AM vgtw_ is now known as vgtw
04:57 PM calamari: What is the PC size in bits of the AVR128DB28? So far, I haven't found it explicitly stated in the datasheet. My best guess is that since the flash is 128k and 16-bit data width then the PC needs to be 16 bits for 128k: 2<<16=131072. Is this correct?
04:59 PM LeoNerd: That sounds plausible, and probably why the biggest chips are 128K
05:05 PM calamari: Actually, I think I'm wrong about that. The ATtiny85 Ds (4K flash) says it's 12-bit PC, and still has the 16-bit data width. So my 2<< idea for the data width is wrong, because 1<<12 is 4096. So, I guess the AVR128DB28 is at least 17 bit.
05:10 PM calamari: Had an idea. Checked the ATmega1284 DS (128K flash) and it's 16-bit. Probably the same.
08:54 PM rue_mohr: https://maxpromer.github.io/LCD-Character-Creator/