#avr Logs

Jan 18 2021

#avr Calendar

06:18 AM skz81_ is now known as skz81
04:18 PM joakimk: I'm experimenting with an ESP8266, connected to an ATMEGA88, and configuring it via AT commands. I've got it set up to connect to my wifi with a TCP connection, and it receives data OK. Now I want it to also listen for UDP broadcasts. But I can't get it to work. The setup for TCP is something like this, https://pastebin.com/nT35Q4hw
04:20 PM joakimk: So, it sets application mode to "both station and access point" (3); connection mode to "single" (1); application mode to "normal" (0); and then establishes the TCP connection (on IP x.x.x.x:10000)
04:21 PM joakimk: this works:)  But when I try to follow this guide (https://www.espressif.com/sites/default/files/4b-esp8266_at_command_examples_en_v1.3.pdf) to set up UDP as well, I end up getting error "CIPMUX and CIPSERVER must be 0"
04:24 PM joakimk: Basically, what I'm trying to modify (with TCP + UDP) is to set connection mode to "multiple" (i.e. AT+CIPMUX:1) and then essentially do, `AT+CIPSTART=0,"UDP","x.x.x.x",4445`
04:25 PM joakimk: `CIPMUX` must be 1 (multiple), right, to use TCP *and* UDP simultaneously?
08:51 PM rue_mohr: ... where are you at with that now?