#avr Logs

Jan 14 2021

#avr Calendar

02:25 AM grafi is now known as Guest72424
03:23 AM funky1_ is now known as funky1
02:45 PM vgtw_ is now known as vgtw
09:05 PM rue_mohr: http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/tempimage/foo102.png <-- PID
09:05 PM rue_mohr: Light blue is the P
09:05 PM rue_mohr: Violet is the I
09:05 PM rue_mohr: Yellow is the D
09:05 PM rue_mohr: Dark blue is the PID sum.
09:05 PM rue_mohr: Each of the P,I,D responses can be moved up or down to form the final curve.