#avr Logs

Jan 07 2021

#avr Calendar

01:01 AM rue_bed2: -- jan 6
11:08 AM IanLiu: I'm trying to burn the USBAspLoader onto my atmega32-16PU chip using an Arduino as ISP. I've compmiled USBaspLoader and used the following commands to upload the bootloader: http://ix.io/2Lbx . Everything seems to be fine; but when I plug the chip via USB, no USB device is recognized. Here is a pic of the circuit: https://pasteboard.co/JIyNnV2.jpg . Any hints?
12:41 PM twnqx: IanLiu i appologize for my ignorancem but the atmega32-16PU doesn't have usb, no?
12:41 PM twnqx: is this one of the software based USB thingies?
12:42 PM IanLiu: no, it doesn't. But I've managed to fix the problem. The bootloader burned correctly, but I was missing a pull-up resistor on D- pin
12:42 PM IanLiu: after plugging that, the computer recognized the chip! :D
12:43 PM twnqx: ahhh a v-usb bootloader, neat
12:43 PM IanLiu: yep
03:07 PM Thymo is now known as actually_indy91
03:07 PM PublicWiFi: is an internal clock okay with a i2c master?
03:07 PM PublicWiFi: anyone ever tried it? tring to cut down size of the circuit if possible
03:09 PM cehteh: should be ok since i2c is syncronous and has a master clock distributed to all slaves
03:10 PM actually_indy91 is now known as Thym
03:10 PM Thym is now known as Thymo
03:21 PM PublicWiFi: thanks cehteh !
03:21 PM PublicWiFi: ill give it a go
03:56 PM LeoNerd: Yah; SPI and I²C aren't sensitive to timing variations, because they have clock signals
03:56 PM LeoNerd: And honestly, even UART can be fine on internal oscillator of a lot of the newer chips.. they're precise enough