#avr Logs

Dec 25 2020

#avr Calendar

08:56 PM fstd: that awkward moment when you connect your 20V supply and your attiny starts up
09:03 PM fstd: ..but your 5V regulator isn't even on the breadboard yet
09:03 PM fstd: i think i'm powering it through the AREF pin...
09:03 PM * fstd assumes i'm in spec that way and carries on, saved a 5V regulator today!
09:06 PM fstd: the only 5V """supply""" in my circuit is a voltage reference that's connected to AREF
09:07 PM fstd: oh actually maybe i'm not powering it through AREF but through pin protection diodes
09:07 PM fstd: anyway it was hell of a wtf moment
09:09 PM fstd: and now that i think about it, it might actually come in handy some day
09:10 PM fstd: sacrifice 1 pin as a redneck VCC, put a resistor in front of it, hook up to whatever voltage you want
09:10 PM fstd: and it works(TM)
09:13 PM fstd: patent pending.
10:55 PM kringline\0 is now known as kline\0
11:22 PM fstd: why do hot power resistors have such a unique smell?
11:22 PM fstd: (within-spec hot, not smoke escape hot)
11:35 PM Thrashbarg: heh you get the same thing with old tube equipment. Love it