#avr Logs

Nov 24 2020

#avr Calendar

05:06 AM arti_ is now known as arti
06:33 AM skz81: kevr : avr's _exit it's more a reset IIRC. Just like undefined ISRs, and other exception conditions.
06:34 AM skz81: But no clue for your libcov issue, sorry, never used that.
06:35 AM skz81: Probably some version mismatch, are you sure you're linking against the right lib version / arch ?
06:36 AM skz81: I beleive GCC won't even try to link to different arch libs, but meh, rather to check.
03:41 PM Smashcat: Can anyone recommend a good alternative to AVR Studio for Windows? I usually use it, but it seems to have a bug with ATMega64a chips.
03:44 PM [1]MrMobius is now known as MrMobius
03:55 PM cehteh: linux emacs makefiles :D
03:57 PM Smashcat: Er no thanks :)
03:58 PM cehteh: thats as much alternative as you can ask for
03:59 PM Smashcat: Aha! Found the problem. The ATMega64A has a "compatibility" fuse bit, that prevents PORTF from working when it's set. Why? Who knows? :)
03:59 PM cehteh: datasheet ftw
03:59 PM cehteh: some avr's have such compatibility bits turning them into odd configurations emulating discontinued parts
04:00 PM Smashcat: Yeah, searched it up. Was probing my PCB for a while, and couldn't work out why none of the pins were outputting anything. Seems like a weirddefault to disable an entire port.
05:18 PM kevr: skz81: yes, it's libgcov built directly in avr-gcc; it's not mismatched at all.