#avr Logs

Nov 23 2020

#avr Calendar

04:57 PM kevr: i'm using avr-gcc to build an avr binary. i'm attempting to use --coverage, but libgcov.a is missing __gcov_exit. is that normal?
05:04 PM kevr: and if so, how exactly do i supply it properly?
05:22 PM LeoNerd: AVR programs do not and cannot "exit".. where would they go?
05:33 PM kevr: LeoNerd: indeed, but i'd expect libgcov.a for avr-gcc to take that into account, but still provide the symbol it needs to link
05:33 PM kevr: but it doesn't.
05:33 PM kevr: (i must be doing something wrong)
05:34 PM kevr: also, _exit is defined for avr-gcc programs.
05:37 PM kevr: i believe their _exit just defines an infinite loop in the body.
06:48 PM vgtw_ is now known as vgtw
08:55 PM gxt_ is now known as gxt