#avr Logs

Oct 30 2020

#avr Calendar

12:10 AM day_ is now known as day
05:13 AM twnqx: if i'm looking for a device with two usb 2.0 high speed device mode (or OTG) controllers, do any come to minf? i founf two NXP LPC series (which require an external ULPI PHY for the second high speed) and the NXP i.mx6
05:21 AM twnqx: more NXP, the Kinetis line also has a few
05:30 AM twnqx: nope, just one high speed there /
05:34 AM vmt: yeah the stm32 h-line also has up to 1 hs and 1 fs
05:39 AM vmt: would it be cheaper though to get something with just one and use a mux?
05:39 AM vmt: if possible?
07:36 AM twnqx: not possible for my use case, i need two active ones :)
07:37 AM twnqx: mainly i need to figure out if i can run an i.mx 6 without external ram
07:38 AM twnqx: some footnotes about the boot process need some more investigation, i read it as "directly copies data to memory controller to speed up boot"
08:02 AM vmt: alright
10:47 AM TheMadDrizzle: Hoping someone could give me a hand flashing an arduino Uno via a Nano with avrisp2. "avrdude -c avrisp2 -p m16u2 -P /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 19200 -U flash:w:USBMidiKlik_dual_uno.hex:i" gives a timeout message of "avrdude: stk500v2_getsync(); timeout communicating with programmer"
10:59 AM twnqx: well, do you maybe have other usb to serial adapters?
10:59 AM twnqx: check if ls /dev/ttyUSB* shows more than one
11:10 AM Emil_ is now known as Emil
09:07 PM vishwin60 is now known as vishwin