#avr Logs

Sep 16 2020

#avr Calendar

12:38 AM rue_mohr: if your avr needs 8 times more memory and 5x more speed, your using the wrong tool for the application
12:45 AM rue_mohr: an avr is not something you run on OS on
12:45 AM rue_mohr: its a dedicated procedure device,
01:01 AM vmt: m4t: there is absolutely no reason to get the 1284p. they are super expensive.
01:03 AM vmt: the price break for the tqfp one is $4.4 at 2000qty
01:04 AM vmt: listed at $5.4 in singles
01:05 AM rue_mohr: I'v been having wonderfully success with the tiny13
01:05 AM rue_mohr: it took a while to tune in to how to make the best use of them
01:05 AM rue_mohr: modules are awesome
01:13 AM vmt: you can get arms for less than half the price of a 1284, with DMA
01:14 AM vmt: and obviously higher in-spec clocks
01:14 AM vmt: for example, stm's (new? have been out of the loop for some time) g0 line seems pretty nice
01:15 AM vmt: https://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/stmicroelectronics/STM32G070KBT6/497-STM32G070KBT6-ND/10326752
01:15 AM vmt: 128k flash, 36k ram, standard peripherals + dma
01:17 AM rue_mohr: more != better
01:18 AM vmt: ...
01:18 AM rue_mohr: lots of times there are benefits to minimal solutions
01:19 AM vmt: so you want to pay 2.5x the price for your "minimal solution", i'm sure the 1284 will be eol'd soon if it isn't already jesus
01:19 AM vmt: for the same fucking functionality
01:19 AM rue_mohr: there is a crossover point
01:19 AM vmt: so now we're moving the goalposts
01:19 AM rue_mohr: there is more than just money in the factors of it all too
01:20 AM vmt: pray do tell
01:20 AM rue_mohr: doubt anyone actually cares about reliability and power consumption anyhow
01:20 AM vmt: elaborate on reliability
01:21 AM rue_mohr: everyone seems to be "bigger is better" faster, harder
01:21 AM rue_mohr: burn lots of gas , make lots of noise, take up lots of space
01:21 AM vmt: that's a strawman argument and you really should know it yourself, too
01:22 AM rue_mohr: I'm no salesmn, if you were drowning I couldn't make you take a rope for free
01:22 AM rue_mohr: so whatever
01:23 AM vmt: i'm not asking you to be a salesman, i'm asking you to back up what you're saying
01:24 AM vmt: effectively i'm asking you not to be a salesman, you see
01:24 AM rue_mohr: yea, everyone challanges everything I say, I really dont care anymore, you go about your way, and I'll go about mine
01:24 AM vmt: why is the 1284 more reliable than the cmg0?
01:24 AM vmt: i mean that's a cm0+
01:24 AM vmt: stm32g0... marketing
01:25 AM rue_mohr: https://www.instructables.com/id/ATtinyPowerMeter/ <-- thats a cool project
01:27 AM rue_mohr: got it going, want to see if I can slim it down, do some other graphics
01:28 AM vmt: stmg0 has far more elaborate current consumption data in its datasheet than the 1284p
01:28 AM vmt: at least off a quick glance, the 1284p datasheet only provides active values for up to 8 MHz @ 5V
01:30 AM vmt: (from the datasheet) 1284p (which is the low-power variant I believe): "Active" 8MHz @ 5V: typical 5.6, max 12 mA
01:31 AM rue_mohr: I should do my kitchen water dispencer with a t13
01:32 AM rue_mohr: hmm
01:32 AM rue_mohr: wonder how big the lcd library would come out
01:33 AM vmt: (from the datasheet) stm32g0: "Run mode" SRAM fetches @ 8 MHz: max 1.4 mA @ 3.6V
01:34 AM vmt: flash fetches max 1.6 mA @ 3.6V
01:35 AM vmt: now obviously there are not exactly comparable, but that's what you have to work with prior to actually measuring it
01:36 AM vmt: however there's an order of magnitude of difference there
01:37 AM vmt: rue_mohr: so let's go back to the gas guzzling?
01:38 AM vmt: and at any case, if you're looking into the 1284/p in the first place, the application isn't one which requires absolute minimum current consumption
01:42 AM vmt: and about saving the planet and what not, we all have hoarded leaded solder have we not?? i enjoy soldering my ass off with it and watching the world burn!11
01:43 AM vmt: 1 leaded solder spool = 1 dead polar bear, or something like that. i heard it from the neighborhood hippie
10:09 AM TechChristoph: we should be nice to one another don't we ;)
11:02 AM _ami_: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eeDC1m7ANJI&feature=youtu.be
12:51 PM strata_ is now known as strata
01:39 PM TechChristoph: so we are nice to one another no ?
01:39 PM TechChristoph: vmt, :-)
03:10 PM vmt: TechChristoph: what? i wasn't even being "not nice". he just has a habit of disregarding things that he hasn't worked with (or perhaps some other arbitrary measure, i don't exactly know) by saying that they're bloated, inefficient, or both
03:11 PM vmt: though they're somewhat synonymous... but you get the point
03:22 PM Miyu is now known as hackkitten
08:10 PM McDonaldsWiFi is now known as PublicWiFi
11:21 PM day_ is now known as day