#avr Logs

Sep 10 2020

#avr Calendar

08:59 AM cehteh_ is now known as cehteh
09:09 AM rue_mohr: polprog, what platform was that again?
09:09 AM polprog: the editor?
09:10 AM rue_mohr: what the editor is running on
09:11 AM polprog: linux
09:11 AM rue_mohr: I forgot what you needed nolf for
09:11 AM polprog: but originally the editor runs on a zOS mainframe
09:11 AM polprog: for the JEDEC files produced by galasm
09:11 AM polprog: but im using tr -d
09:11 AM rue_mohr: oh right
09:11 AM rue_mohr: oh
09:11 AM rue_mohr: hmm, 2000
09:12 AM rue_mohr: when was tr written?
09:12 AM rue_mohr: :)
09:12 AM polprog: probably when they still used teletypes on PDPs
09:12 AM polprog: :p
09:12 AM rue_mohr: indeed ;)
09:12 AM polprog: https://polprog.net/rozne1/ircjunk/gal/galnotes2.txt
09:12 AM rue_mohr: there were lots of things in linux a person could not know about
09:12 AM rue_mohr: oo
09:13 AM polprog: yeah. the file witouht 2 has more comments
09:13 AM polprog: but i gave up, didnt want to write a handbook out of what was supposed to be my own notes
09:13 AM polprog: also, that nolf is 3 months younger than me, that makes it
09:13 AM rue_mohr: hahah
09:14 AM rue_mohr: I guess If I'm gonna be a robot that makes it to about 10k, I'm gonna hear that a lot
09:15 AM polprog: haha
09:15 AM rue_mohr: I'll get you to walk me thru when my tl866 arrives
09:17 AM rue_mohr: its too bad most of the gals found in things are OTP
09:17 AM polprog: huh. this explains why the gals i have, that were pulls, were 1.50 usd per piece
09:18 AM polprog: hmm i dont remember what did i pay for the 22v10's. new ones from a guy at the market
09:18 AM rue_mohr: the PLAC(E) are flash
09:18 AM polprog: guy has a company, every sunday he sells parts from the trunk of his car. and he probably did that for the past 10 or 20 years
09:18 AM polprog: impressive
09:19 AM rue_mohr: ok, cool
09:20 AM rue_mohr: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000169461631.html
09:20 AM rue_mohr: they look funny, but by my design goals, thats technically the button I'm after
09:20 AM rue_mohr: but not for $10/pc
09:21 AM polprog: oh, nice
09:21 AM polprog: mains power switch?
09:21 AM rue_mohr: yea, for that stupid power supply
09:21 AM rue_mohr: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32859193477.html
09:21 AM rue_mohr: these are interesting, but not what I want
09:22 AM rue_mohr: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32830631900.html those are nice, could lose the icon..
09:23 AM rue_mohr: I might have to mock-build a few things tho
09:23 AM polprog: https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51pwDXEElAL._SL1100_.jpg :P
09:23 AM rue_mohr: I'm unsure if I want a button or a paddle toggle
09:25 AM rue_mohr: http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/tempimage/p1170209.jpg
09:25 AM rue_mohr: for that supply
09:26 AM rue_mohr: I'm going to paint the plastic black (from the back)
09:26 AM rue_mohr: I suppose if I was going to go 80's on it, I'd use a brushed aluminum front
09:26 AM rue_mohr: instead of clear
09:27 AM polprog: heh
09:27 AM polprog: nice
09:27 AM polprog: i could imagine the first alixepress one you posted
09:27 AM rue_mohr: might be part of the reason around the bezels on the 80 stuff I'm modeling with
09:27 AM polprog: id go for orange
09:27 AM rue_mohr: heh
09:28 AM rue_mohr: ok, gotta get goin
09:28 AM polprog: cya
09:29 AM rue_mohr: you saw the way I did the other pwoer supply I started?
09:31 AM rue_mohr: https://twitter.com/RueNahcMohr/status/1303524754251341825/photo/2
09:31 AM rue_mohr: that was my orig idea
09:31 AM rue_mohr: for this one
09:32 AM rue_mohr: the twitter activity has gone nuts latley
09:49 AM polprog: its a nice thread yeah
09:49 AM polprog: why do i see it for the first time tho
09:49 AM polprog: haha that transulcent phone
09:50 AM polprog: ah because you just posted it ok
09:51 AM polprog: oh wait, it was yesterday
09:56 AM vmt: recently i saw a thread on twitter about some obsolete 2/4 way video cards from the 90s
09:57 AM vmt: and someone paid something like $40-60 to get them off fleabay
09:57 AM vmt: do people really have that much cash laying around to buy super-obsolete junk for a non-arbitrary amount of $$$?
09:58 AM twnqx: 40-60 is in the order of "so what" for many people
09:59 AM vmt: a fool and his money are soon parted, i guess...
10:00 AM twnqx: value for many things is in the eye of the beholder
10:01 AM twnqx: a friend of mine is stockpiling PCs fro the 90s to early 2ks (486, pentium, athlon, ...) and i'm only shaking my head
10:01 AM twnqx: but hey, if that's his hobby... who am i to judge
10:02 AM polprog: not sure but over here a working 386 cpu goes for >$30
10:02 AM polprog: 286 even more
10:02 AM polprog: a 286 motherboard, working, can be $100 here
10:02 AM vmt: well, i kind of understand this kind of thing if, your workplace has some legacy shit waiting to be dumpstered (this costs too, obv) and you can take stuff for free, or someone around your area is giving similar things away for free to avoid recycling costs
10:02 AM twnqx: he's buying them from ebay.
10:02 AM vmt: but to specifically order junk potentially from far away too
10:02 AM twnqx: who hs this kind of stuff still around
10:03 AM polprog: pretty much, you clean it up, slap a new PSU (for atx systems), slap an era appropriate high end graphics card, install windows whatever, 98
10:03 AM polprog: sell that as a retro gaming machine
10:03 AM polprog: $150 asking price
10:03 AM polprog: and these things sell
10:03 AM twnqx: hm. i still have an old pentium 233mmx, complete with that age AT power supply and everything
10:04 AM twnqx: i think the one machine from that age i didn't dumpster :P
10:04 AM vmt: i have a 233mmx + s3 virge
10:05 AM twnqx: yeah i have more compoenents that i simply never thrown out, but...
10:05 AM vmt: yeah, sits in the garage because i have never thrown it away
10:09 AM vmt: and i do understand when people buy legacy shit to use it, like 6581s, but buying some super obscure niche obsolete card/chip from 30 years ago which has no use whatsoever is just really a wtf moment for me
10:10 AM twnqx: heh
10:10 AM twnqx: i only have ony 6581 :(
10:10 AM twnqx: one*
10:10 AM twnqx: no stereo mod for me
10:12 AM vmt: i have three c64s laying around. none bought by myself, actually. one should be in working condition, two may/may not work. haven't touched them in about two decades
10:13 AM vmt: probably all of the sids should still work
10:14 AM twnqx: can't say i care enough, resid is close enough for me
10:16 AM vmt: i wonder if the people who buy "retro gaming machines" are in fact traumatized by the fact that they were kids during the 90s and their parents didn't get them the latest and greatest so that quake would've ran smooth
10:17 AM vmt: and like freud famously said, RTX on doesn't quite cut it because everything is a penis and/or about your mother and childhood
10:30 AM TechChristoph: irc since 1980
10:30 AM TechChristoph: ?
10:30 AM TechChristoph: on wikipedia they say its 80's-stuff
10:31 AM TechChristoph: i don't know
10:31 AM vmt: late 80s, yes
10:32 AM TechChristoph: and before irc?
10:33 AM TechChristoph: i read about some bulletin boards
10:33 AM TechChristoph: must be in the late 70 beginning 80s
10:34 AM twnqx: "before irc"
10:34 AM vmt: sure bbs was a thing in the 80s as well. 90s too
10:34 AM twnqx: irc is what, late 90s?
10:34 AM vmt: late 80s, early 90s
10:34 AM twnqx: i shut down my BBS in 1996 or so
10:35 AM twnqx: can't really say how long i ran it
10:35 AM TechChristoph: but usenet and arpanet is dead right?
10:35 AM vmt: i hope so
10:35 AM polprog: usenet gets some use
10:35 AM vmt: ...but probably not
10:35 AM twnqx: one of the largest remaining usenet nodes went down recently, so i guess
10:35 AM vmt: BBS wasn't a very well defined thing though, the way IRC as a protocol is
10:36 AM twnqx: maybe use fidonet and compatible ones? :>
10:36 AM vmt: well yeah but an incompatible irc server isn't an irc server
10:37 AM twnqx: true, fidonet only standardized the message format
10:37 AM vmt: also -- before interwebs? you know, letters were a thing
10:38 AM twnqx: i think i got my first internet access in '94
10:38 AM twnqx: but BBSs from at least '90
10:38 AM twnqx: probably 89
10:39 AM vmt: but irc is defo not "late 90s"
10:39 AM twnqx: and earlier, despite i had no idea what i was actually doing, so i don't count that
10:39 AM twnqx: may be
10:39 AM TechChristoph: i got mine in 95
10:39 AM twnqx: mit 90s i was using it, so...
10:39 AM twnqx: mid*
10:39 AM twnqx: too lazy to look up the original RFC
10:39 AM TechChristoph: unixuser since 2009 or so
10:40 AM TechChristoph: mhm fidonet is relativly dead
10:40 AM twnqx: no surprise
10:40 AM TechChristoph: 687 nodes in europe
10:40 AM twnqx: and most of those are internet based these days, right?
10:41 AM TechChristoph: yes
10:41 AM twnqx: i guess i should trash my modems.
10:41 AM TechChristoph: but you know internet is mainstream ;)
10:41 AM twnqx: yey, at least i put a first generation GSM mobile on an acoustic coupler and got a 300bps connect on the attached PC
10:42 AM TechChristoph: still in use these days?
10:42 AM twnqx: lol
10:42 AM twnqx: no
10:42 AM twnqx: i wouldn't even know where to dial to
10:42 AM TechChristoph: would be funny;)
10:42 AM twnqx: but i still have my V.34 modems (plus the ISDN ones). i really should trash them.
10:43 AM TechChristoph: or play around with them
10:43 AM twnqx: what for
10:43 AM TechChristoph: for fun
10:43 AM twnqx: reinstall my full BBS software on the pentium PC? :P
10:43 AM twnqx: and dial up to myself!
10:44 AM TechChristoph: ;)
10:44 AM TechChristoph: dial up to your mobilephone
10:44 AM twnqx: sounds reasonably stupid. might do that.
10:45 AM TechChristoph: yeah thats true
10:45 AM * twnqx puts it in postion 238 of the eternal to-do list
10:45 AM TechChristoph: just wonder if it still works
10:45 AM TechChristoph: of 239 right ;)
10:46 AM twnqx: nah, more than that
10:46 AM TechChristoph: ;)
10:46 AM twnqx: but even behind "build a FPGA based retro mainboard and see how many people are ... umm ... enthusiastic enough to buy it
10:47 AM TechChristoph: well i have only one thing on my todolist
10:48 AM TechChristoph: or behind an avr....
10:50 AM polprog: i mean dialup service is still provided in the usa
10:50 AM polprog: i have a feeling the whole PSTN in the states is old as hit
10:50 AM polprog: shit*
10:51 AM twnqx: not surprising for country that generally looks more backward than forward
10:52 AM polprog: lol true
11:00 AM TechChristoph: well ask your president
11:00 AM TechChristoph: maybe he can fix that as well
11:01 AM TechChristoph: mhm he is nominated for the nobelprice
11:01 AM Rab: I'm in the US, and I can't speak for rural areas--the country is 8,000km wide--but in the city, POTS service is usually delivered virtually over broadband, depending on your provider.
03:16 PM Peanut: Hi - does anyone know of a simulator for attiny85 assembly (not C) under Linux?
03:36 PM vmt: Peanut: err what?
03:37 PM nohit: he wants simulator to run his code, like the one in avr studio
03:37 PM nohit: i assume
03:37 PM Peanut: I have a very small file in assembley that I would like to simulate. It seems that simavr and simulavr both need .elf files. Just found sim_avr, which sort of does what I like, but a bit slooow.
03:37 PM Peanut: nohit: Basically, yes.
03:39 PM vmt: is there a reason why can't you just assemble it e.g. with debug info and use simulavr or something?
03:41 PM Peanut: vmt: That's what I've been trying for the past week. I have been unable to get it to compile in a way that works together with simavr so far, as that relies in .ELF. I did manage to compile it in avr-as, but the resulting .text section in the ELF doesn't seem to end up in the actual IHEX file.
03:43 PM Peanut: I'm used to writing things in avra. It's an almost trivial program, but it must take exactly 10,000,000 cycles for it to change an output pin. I'm using it to turn the 10MHz from an atomic clock into a 1PPS signal. So if I have the wrong number of NOPs for instance, it would be a very subtle frequency error.
03:47 PM Peanut: So ideally, I'd get a VCD file to examine.
03:59 PM vmt: hmm. i have never used the simulator in atmel studio (and i'm surprised there even is one?), however i'm thinking if you'd get it running there, it's probably better than wasting any more time on this
04:00 PM Peanut: vmt: As far as I know, that is only available for Windows.
04:00 PM vmt: sure. however, if spending a week fighting an uphill battle due to ideological(?) reasons is a thing you like...
04:01 PM vmt: however, as said i have no idea about the capabilities of that simulator so
04:01 PM Peanut: Well, I don't actually have a windows machine, never had.
04:02 PM vmt: wellp, time to install gen... windows
04:02 PM Peanut: No, thanks :-)
04:02 PM vmt: alright, suit yourself
04:03 PM vmt: that sounded ungrateful!
04:59 PM polprog: omg lol
04:59 PM polprog: also, using the avr for that is kinda wasteful i think..
05:01 PM cehteh: lolz
05:01 PM cehteh: people doing strange things
05:05 PM vmt: actually, probably the cheapest way is a really small mcu
05:08 PM cehteh: yes but you can run a timer by an external clock pin and program a divider by that
05:09 PM vmt: i don't know the application
05:09 PM cehteh: possibly there are programmable timer divider chips as well
05:09 PM vmt: yes, but possibly they're more expensive than a generic really small mcu
05:11 PM cehteh: well the time he spends on programming that shit would buy him 10000 ic's
05:13 PM cehteh: and still with an tiny85 or even 25 or maybe even 13 or smaller its still easy to do this properly using a timer
05:14 PM vmt: perhaps it's foss, foss time is free!
05:14 PM cehteh: foss has no atomic clocks :D
05:15 PM vmt: you can set up a gofundme/ko.fi
05:15 PM vmt: wait it's not ko.fi. what's the thing "buy me a coffee"??
05:16 PM vmt: oh it's ko-fi.com. they missed out on that sick tld, damn
11:27 PM day_ is now known as day