#avr Logs

Sep 09 2020

#avr Calendar

01:28 AM rue_bed2: vmt, interesting, I been playing too
01:34 AM rue_bed2: I keep overcomplicating it tho
01:34 AM rue_bed2: did you see the console editor tutorial?
01:34 AM rue_bed2: its a mess, but it was inspirational
03:15 AM strata_ is now known as strata
03:36 AM vmt: rue_bed2: ? what tutorial?
03:43 AM vmt: don't think i haven. anyway, there are a lot of room for improvement in the current data structures used in editors and optimizations thereof. but as said, it doesn't really pay to waste time on that
03:43 AM vmt: haven't*
03:58 AM polprog: i wonder if anyone cloned ISPF from zOS, or SEU, or REVEDIT
03:58 AM polprog: these have a conpletely different paradigm and are actually quite comfortable
04:10 AM vmt: are these editors?
04:10 AM vmt: ah, apparently they are
04:11 AM polprog: https://github.com/sakachin2/XE
04:11 AM polprog: hmm
04:12 AM vmt: well, i wasn't looking to reinvent editors. rather just the way buffers are handled internally
04:12 AM polprog: ah, that
04:16 AM vmt: so you know, contribute to neovim or that god awful c++ monstrosity modal editor in github, forgot its name. can't do vim because bram
04:17 AM polprog: what modal editor
04:17 AM polprog: also whats with bram?
04:17 AM vmt: https://kakoune.org/
04:17 AM vmt: well vim is bram's and bram's alone
04:18 AM vmt: then again i'm not going to contribute to communism, but at some point it was an idea
04:18 AM polprog: lol ive never heard of that editor
04:19 AM polprog: just use pycharm, it only takes 4GiB of ram
04:19 AM vmt: pytorch
04:21 AM vmt: jetbrains is pretty genius though. they can recycle the same code and just add new syntax highlighting/error checking (LSP no doubt::D) and build tools for the newest and hottest language and sell it as a new product
04:23 AM vmt: oh, i'm surprised they don't have a rust editor yet. pretty sure they could come up with a groovy ultra smooth name for that as all things rust do
04:23 AM vmt: they have really dropped the ball on this one
04:24 AM vmt: oh wait they do. nevermind
04:26 AM polprog: what is it
04:26 AM polprog: let mw gues
04:26 AM polprog: RustStudio
04:26 AM polprog: let me guess* :|
04:27 AM vmt: no it's just some "open-source plugin for intellij idea". moral of the story: what's better than cloning your codebase and selling it as a new product? letting other people do all the work
04:31 AM vmt: i wonder who they had to blow and how hard to get google use it. though i figure it was eclipse before that and if it wasn't jetbrains it would be some electron crap:D
04:48 AM polprog: wasnt rust made by google?
04:48 AM polprog: or was it go
04:51 AM vmt: go(ogle) is gööglë, rust is mozilla shit
04:51 AM vmt: i'm loving how mozilla fired host of its overhyped servo team which was like their opus magnum for rust
04:51 AM vmt: s/host/most
04:53 AM polprog: couldnt care less
04:53 AM vmt: rumor has it those rust specialists are now out borrow-checking social services
04:53 AM polprog: im compiling that funny XE editor
04:53 AM vmt: really, a line editor?
04:54 AM polprog: well, both PCBs are in the factory, so i dont have anything better to do?
04:56 AM vmt: hmm. you can compile a lot of things, then! loonix is always a trendy option?
06:15 AM polprog: heh, this doesnt compile
06:15 AM polprog: damn gnome
06:15 AM polprog: and the binaries are only for linux
06:21 AM polprog: holy fuck it works
06:22 AM Thrashbarg: lol
06:22 AM polprog: omg it looks so wierd
06:26 AM polprog: https://polprog.net/rozne1/ircjunk/various/gxe.png
06:26 AM polprog: i had to set some monospace font
06:27 AM polprog: the terminal version looks better
06:31 AM polprog: https://polprog.net/rozne1/ircjunk/various/xe.png
07:25 AM vmt: what's up with the line numbers
08:13 AM polprog: vmt: the line numbers are where you enter commands, like delete, uppercase, insert etc
08:13 AM polprog: not sure why they step by 1000
03:03 PM TechChristoph: hi all
03:17 PM Miyu is now known as hackkitten
04:17 PM samantaz_ is now known as samantaz
06:48 PM LHLaurini2 is now known as LHLaurini
07:10 PM rue_bed2: hi
11:28 PM day_ is now known as day