#avr Logs

Sep 07 2020

#avr Calendar

08:26 AM vmt: rue_mohr: maybe you should reinstantiate the no-idle policy?
09:55 AM vmt: ah, having been banned from ##c after that adhd/littleboy pragma threw a hissy fit, i'm thoroughly enjoying causing ruckus over at ##c++
09:56 AM vmt: i especially love it when they have ideological fights over metaprogramming and other (clusterfucky) linguistic minutia
02:54 PM rue_mohr: C is a troll channel
02:55 PM rue_mohr: if you want help with C, the people in #programming will actually help instead of just telling you your project is for morons
03:07 PM vmt: #programming sounds like a channel infested with flame wars about the newest and hottest programming languages developed by facebook or google
03:07 PM vmt: but i'll give it a try
03:21 PM twnqx: if i need help with C, my problems are usually very different :S
04:15 PM vmt: well, i'm not exactly in need of help with c or c++, it's just that *sometimes* there's worthwhile discussion
04:18 PM vmt: in ##c it's usually the idiots who have the standards memorized from ANSI to c11 engaging in useless semantical discussion and in ##c++ it's people mulling over metaprogramming and the hottest syntax sugar added in the latest std revision
04:19 PM cehteh: i think i elft those channels 15 years ago :D
04:21 PM vmt: though 90% of questions in ##c are by people who have no idea of what the fuck memory is and are doing homework for their useless university courses
04:22 PM vmt: both channels no doubt riddled by the same old false adage of the language being the platform
08:57 PM ColdKeyboard: Is there an explanation what LOCKBIT does in Tiny814? Is it permanent, resettable, is it for Boot/App/EEPROM/all? I'm looking for a datasheet that would explain what `The device is locked` means :)
09:35 PM Rab: ColdKeyboard, according to p.482 of the datasheet, a successful Chip Erase will clear the Lockbits. So that answers one of your questions, I think.
09:39 PM Rab: I have not encountered the KEY system on the parts I've used, so I am not familiar with it.
10:16 PM ColdKeyboard: Thanks Rab, I've missed that part. So lock is readback protection. It doesn't fuse out the entire chip.
11:31 PM day_ is now known as day