#avr Logs

Aug 28 2020

#avr Calendar

01:20 AM ColdKeyboard: If I'm reading this correctly, there is no way to use avrdude+usbasp to program Attiny814?
01:37 AM ColdKeyboard: Hmmm.. Oh well. I've been waiting for a reason to order new Pickit4 :)
01:49 AM nohit: is Attiny814 UDPI ?
01:49 AM nohit: LeoNerd has a programmer/sw to program those
03:00 AM dgriffi: a pickit programs avr?
05:55 AM LeoNerd: nohit: Yup, it's UPDI. All the chips *0? and *1? are
07:23 AM arti_ is now known as arti
09:17 AM rue_mohr: the alu in a z80 is only 4 bits?
09:24 AM cehteh: blast from the past :D
09:24 AM cehteh: i forgotten but i doubt that
09:24 AM rue_mohr: I might have lost the context of the article I'm listening to
09:25 AM cehteh: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/db/Z80_arch.svg
09:27 AM rue_mohr: ok I found the backup of the jukebox, maybe I can rebuild it tonight
02:05 PM PublicWiFi: you guys think it same to assume avr-gcc can produce far better ASM than I can?
02:06 PM PublicWiFi: AKA should I just write my code in C instead of ASM since its easier to read and etc
02:06 PM PublicWiFi: safe to assume*
02:11 PM cehteh_: who knows how good asm you can write
02:11 PM cehteh_: for sure gcc makes less errors and produces much more asm in less time than you can
02:12 PM cehteh_: (your errors in C aside)
02:12 PM cehteh_: usually for timing critical stuff which i figure out that it really needs optimization i write in gcc and then generate that as asm, use that as template and hand optimize things
02:12 PM cehteh_: happend 1-2 times yet :D
02:14 PM Rab: PublicWiFi, you could hold a contest. Code the same concepts in ASM and C, and look at the compiler output.
02:14 PM PublicWiFi: ty ^^
02:16 PM cehteh_: avr-gcc does some good optimization, esp with -flto but its also, depending on version known to do some not so brilliant stuff
02:17 PM cehteh_: while in reality the gain you get from C in productivity and maintenance is much higher
02:17 PM cehteh_: even if one could admit that C is somewhat weak/crappy/unsafe
02:17 PM cehteh_: still beter than asm
02:17 PM cehteh_: and AVR's architecture was tailored for compilation from C
02:18 PM Rab: I used ASM for several years, until I needed some more abstract math. Once I switched to C, I never went back.
02:19 PM Rab: If I had needed a USB stack in the same time frame, that would have caused me to switch as well.
02:21 PM Rab: But I do miss the feeling (illusion?) of total determinism.
11:43 PM day_ is now known as day