#avr Logs

Aug 16 2020

#avr Calendar

03:23 AM landau: hello, I have a 8x8 LED matrix commanded by this little ISR TIMER routine https://pastebin.com/e2dHYRZk however it does not work and I do not understand why. If I put something like this PORTB = do64_blk->fs_dio.fs_dout[1]; just to test one line, it works...any idea? Thank you
07:34 AM TechChristoph: hi
08:00 AM matrixstorm: hi
08:16 AM Krock: hi
08:48 AM matrixstorm: hi
09:29 AM arti_ is now known as arti
04:14 PM Smashcat: Heh, just worked out that parasitic power revealed a firmware bug in some code I'm working on :) Device would only boot reliably with an ISP header connected. I'm also using the ISP pins for debugging output (ATMega328pb - so 2 hardware serial ports). If I unplugged the header it either wouldn't boot, or would work for a few seconds. Tried pulling reset high, still the same. Eventually worked out it was because the RX
04:14 PM Smashcat: pin on the header was floating, eventually sending a byte into the hardware serial port, and I hadn't set up the ISR handler, so it was then just hanging in the default interrupt handler :)
04:52 PM LeoNerd: Ahyes, power by serial port.. I've done that a number of times
04:59 PM Smashcat: :)
06:17 PM [1]MrMobius is now known as MrMobius
11:25 PM day_ is now known as day