#avr Logs

Aug 07 2020

#avr Calendar

03:00 AM cehteh_: PublicWiFi: 64 bytes is the ram :D
07:37 AM PublicWiFi: cehteh_: i think it was 64 byte rom and sram :o
07:37 AM PublicWiFi: it has*
07:38 AM PublicWiFi: looks like ill have to learn avr asm to work with the attiny13a lol
07:38 AM PublicWiFi: otherwise im losing a lot of overhead
07:38 AM PublicWiFi: s/losing/gaining
07:44 AM cehteh_: PublicWiFi: it has 1k flash
07:45 AM cehteh_: you can program it in C .. just dont use it for bigger things, and turn on approbiate compiler flags -Os gc_sections, lto small stack and so on
07:46 AM cehteh_: better use tiny45 or tiny85, thats less constrained
07:53 AM PublicWiFi: ohhhhh
07:53 AM PublicWiFi: 64 bytes of EEPROM yeah you're right
07:53 AM PublicWiFi: yeah i ended up buying these 13a's a couple years ago on accident and i figured i'd find a use for them
07:53 AM PublicWiFi: building stuff in a super constrained environment sounds fun
07:55 AM PublicWiFi: okay so 1k gives me wayy more freedom lol!
07:55 AM PublicWiFi: i was doubting my sanity, how can anyone expect to buy much with 64 bytes of rom :PP
08:02 AM cehteh_: there are some tinys with no ram at all :D
08:03 AM cehteh_: iirc only 512 bytes flash as well
08:13 AM Krock: how would those no-ram tinys even operate?
08:44 AM polprog: they have a whole 32 registers :P
08:44 AM polprog: sometimes thats enough ;)
08:44 AM polprog: if you implement some simple automaton, then that's pretty much all you need
08:45 AM polprog: you can put your name in the unused registers
08:47 AM Krock: ah right. not sure though how much easier the life becomes by replacing a few logic gates by a chip that needs to be programme
08:51 AM polprog: if you order enough they can program them for you at the factory, and if a $3 chip replaces $10 worth of logic ICs...
09:09 AM twnqx`: i replaced a NE555 with a tiny.
09:10 AM polprog: i actually never built a 555 oscillator
09:10 AM polprog: maybe i did at the very beginning, but i dont remember
09:10 AM twnqx`: i just needed some digital 50hz signal to shut up a watchdog IC while REing something
09:10 AM polprog: i was using an opamp schmitt trigger oscillator, or a hct14 RC oscillator
09:10 AM polprog: haha, nice
09:11 AM polprog: when i was REing something, i just typed the command that disabled the watchdog
09:11 AM twnqx`: well
09:11 AM twnqx`: this was an external watchdog
09:13 AM twnqx`: https://i.imgur.com/Db4nqCP.jpg the cpu was at the bottooom side
09:14 AM twnqx`: the tiny is on top of the watchdog ic :P
09:15 AM polprog: state of the art bodgewires :D
09:15 AM polprog: what was that? looks expensive ;)
09:15 AM Krock: needs more hot glue
09:15 AM polprog: nah, I use cyanoacrylate for those
09:16 AM twnqx`: a car's engine control unit
09:16 AM polprog: even though it flows too much and covers all the stuff including my fingers, the desk and neighbours dog..
09:16 AM Krock: poor desk
09:16 AM twnqx`: with those mods, i was able to boot it from CAN and run my own code
09:17 AM polprog: impressive
09:17 AM polprog: i tried to run my own code as well but the thing i was REing turned out to be too poor for uClinux
09:17 AM twnqx`: sure, this is as well, i think
09:18 AM twnqx`: i just ran baremetal ricore code, just enough to read out the flash :P
09:18 AM twnqx`: and dump it over can
09:18 AM twnqx`: tricore*
09:18 AM twnqx`: and i actually used an at90can as a bridge to the PC, tha avr even contained the boot image
11:20 AM [1]MrMobius is now known as MrMobius
11:39 PM day_ is now known as day