#avr Logs

Aug 05 2020

#avr Calendar

02:51 AM cehteh_ is now known as cehteh
12:56 PM Red_Tide: So I am trying out a little assembly programming with avr, but the instructions I am reading includes files that are of the xxxdef.inc variety
12:56 PM Red_Tide: I gather that these come with atmel studio, but I am not using atmel studio is there anywhere to get these?
12:58 PM Krock: include files are in /usr/lib/avr/include/ but I cannot find any .inc for now
01:00 PM LeoNerd: Er.. what instructions are /you/ reading? Sounds wrong
01:00 PM Krock: no *.inc files reported by the installed files (package manager9
01:01 PM LeoNerd: If you're using avr-libc for example, all you need is the #include <avr/io.h>
01:02 PM Krock: do you even need headers for assembly? you'd link it statically against some basic library
01:12 PM Red_Tide: Found it on some guys github thanks, I don't really know if you need headers I am following a guide and experimenting with gavrasm...
01:12 PM Krock: Another satisfied customer. Next!
01:12 PM LeoNerd: Oh; I usually write AVR stuff in C with avr-gcc
01:13 PM LeoNerd: The rare bits that need assembly can be done in inline asm() blocks
01:13 PM Red_Tide: yeah I have been doing that, but thought I would try something different as well since I have never really done anything in asm
01:16 PM Red_Tide: inline assembly though I did not know about that will explore that subject that is interesting
01:20 PM Krock: gcc also has an asm extension for non-avr, if you are ever in desperate need of doing something a little bit faster
02:11 PM * twnqx dislikes gcc's syntax, though
11:44 PM day_ is now known as day