#avr Logs

Jul 11 2020

#avr Calendar

12:47 PM mi6x3m: hey guys, is there any way to find out the pull-down resistor value for the PDI_DATA pin? (ATxmega32a4u)
12:53 PM mi6x3m: i'm trying to make a simple programmer
12:53 PM mi6x3m: and also the min / max voltages for the logic levels
01:00 PM cehteh: mi6x3m: datasheets, but when you speak about on-ship pullup/pulldowns they have extreme wide tolerance
01:01 PM mi6x3m: cehteh: the datasheets are never mentioning this particular value, otherwise I have a design which covers the usual range of 20-60kOhm
01:01 PM mi6x3m: cehteh: also, no word on the accepted voltage levels by the programming driver
01:02 PM cehteh: i dont know that chip but for other chips its iirc mentioned somewhere in Electrical Characteristics
01:02 PM cehteh: and yes it is not very precise
01:03 PM cehteh: 20-60kOhm sounds reasonable
01:03 PM mi6x3m: cehteh: I mean they mention every other pull up / down resistor but the PDI_DATA pin
01:03 PM mi6x3m: so I'm gonna have to experiment :/
01:03 PM cehteh: mkay dunno then,
01:25 PM mi6x3m: thank you! I'm gonna work something out :)
02:33 PM twnqx: he could just mesaure the resistance between that pin and vcc :P
04:59 PM Strogg: new to AVR.. IO question... do you have to do anything to change a pin from a GPIO to a TWI pin? I'm looking at one of the examples, and I don't see anything that changes the pin config.. but I'm not getting any i2c traffic on the IO.
05:12 PM Thrashbarg: Strogg: what AVR chip?
05:12 PM Strogg: I'm using the attiny414
05:13 PM Thrashbarg: usually you'd set DDR to the correct direction and enable the TWI interface
05:13 PM Strogg: I've used the old atmegas a long time ago, back before they got bought by microchip.. but everything sseems different now
05:13 PM Thrashbarg: yup ._.
05:29 PM Strogg: hrmm the interrupt handler is getting called.. I can confirm that. all my reads come back as 0x00 though.. even though the pins look like they are steady high.. but clock and data
05:29 PM Strogg: of course.. I don't really trust this logic analyzer much..
11:30 PM JanC is now known as Guest54012
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11:41 PM day_ is now known as day