#avr Logs

Jul 09 2020

#avr Calendar

03:04 AM skz81: rue_mohr, yup I fall into that pit once (enabled an int, but forgot to copy paste the boilerplate ISR example). Took me a few moment to realise the mistake...
03:11 AM skz81: (actually to realise it was looping "on reset")
03:11 AM skz81: As soon as I got it, the deduction was obvious :) I'm pretty sure I read it somewhere, before that, and that helped.
08:25 AM rue_bed: I was sure I remember is leading to an iret
08:27 AM cehteh: which would be quite unexepected as well
09:32 AM rue_mohr: na, it would make sense to just return from an interrupt call that wasn't set up
09:33 AM rue_mohr: hmm, there is a package called urjtag that looks like it does a nice job of abstracting the use of all sorts of jtag interfaces
09:34 AM rue_mohr: but this wont help me with the place chips I have...
09:37 AM cehteh: rue_mohr: enabling an interrupt that wasnt set up is some bug in the first place
09:39 AM cehteh: since code in avr's is static that shouldnt happen for any correct program
09:58 AM skz81: cehteh, Chuck Norris Approved :]
11:31 AM nohit: this is how its usually with ARMs, if you dont define the ISR it defaults to Default_Handler, which is infinite loop https://pastebin.com/X7ySMaCF
11:34 AM Emil: nohit:
11:35 AM nohit: ?
11:38 AM cehteh: arm is different because the code is not that static you can load more code/modules at runtime, would be still a bug but could be expected and need handling in some designs
11:38 AM cehteh: whiel for AVR's this is totally avoidable
02:54 PM _Posterdati_ is now known as Posterdati
11:43 PM day_ is now known as day