#avr Logs

Jun 29 2020

#avr Calendar

07:56 AM day: do you guys ever use 'c bitfields' in your projects? if not, why?
08:01 AM cehteh: for non portable stuff i use them
08:01 AM day: i read that they are tricky when it comes to porting, but why is that :\
08:01 AM cehteh: but note that they come with some cost, maybe little less memory but much heavier access
08:01 AM cehteh: because C doesnt specifly the layout
08:01 AM day: but c clearly defines the meaning, so the compiler should implement it in a way that satisfies those definitions, not?
08:01 AM cehteh: yes
08:01 AM cehteh: you can use the in portable programs, as long you stick to the C definiton
08:01 AM cehteh: but you should not expose them in api's or something like that
08:01 AM day: yeah if you try to use it for fancy nibble access on ints that might backfire
08:03 AM cehteh: treat them as black box and you are fine
10:38 AM PublicWiFi is now known as MaccasWiFi
10:55 AM MaccasWiFi is now known as PublicWiFi
03:23 PM Evidlo: if I want to use the factory USB bootloader to program a fresh atmega32u4, should I be using an external 8mhz crystal?
03:26 PM Evidlo: or I guess that's what the atmega32u4RC version is for
08:16 PM [1]MrMobius is now known as MrMobius
10:28 PM rue_mohr: Evidlo, you dont need to use an external crystal
11:41 PM day_ is now known as day