#avr Logs

May 03 2020

#avr Calendar

02:10 PM twnqx: going back to my stm32 issues...
02:15 PM twnqx: what's the difference between armv6s-m and armv6k architectures? :S
02:35 PM nohit: other is age old ARM11 and other is " ‘armv6-m’ architecture with support for the (now mandatory) SVC instruction"
02:35 PM nohit: https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-7.5.0/gcc/ARM-Options.html
02:37 PM nohit: ARMv6-M is architecture for the old cortex-m's: m0, m0+, m1
02:37 PM nohit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ARM_microarchitectures
02:38 PM twnqx: so, armv6k should produce executables useable on atm32?
02:40 PM nohit: umm no
02:41 PM nohit: stm32 isnt an architecture
02:41 PM twnqx: well ok, precisely on the m0 in
02:41 PM twnqx: stm32f40 i think
02:41 PM twnqx: let me check
02:42 PM twnqx: STM32F042C6T6
02:42 PM twnqx: i'm still trying to figure out why i can't build software for it with my arm-none-eabi toolchain
02:42 PM nohit: i thin you want this armv6-m
02:42 PM nohit: for cortex-m0
02:43 PM twnqx: i know the working binaries i have have armv6s-m
02:43 PM twnqx: from objdump -f
02:43 PM nohit: that's the same basicly
02:44 PM nohit: ‘armv6-m’ architecture with support for the (now mandatory) SVC instruction
02:45 PM twnqx: there's probably other things still involved then *sigh*
02:52 PM nohit: hmm seems that the first raspi used ARM11
02:52 PM nohit: strange
02:54 PM twnqx: the other difference i see is that there are sections in my elf files that are not present in the working one... and some point to dynamic loaders and PIE, whihc obviously won't work
02:54 PM twnqx: but the initial code i looked at had no traces of that and was nearly identical
03:03 PM cehteh: mhm .. i still have one of the first rpi's somewhere .. with only 256MB ram
11:17 PM day_ is now known as day