#avr Logs

May 02 2020

#avr Calendar

12:12 AM rue_mohr: hi
01:53 AM Miyu is now known as hackkitten
01:25 PM Smidge204: Okay, I think I can work around the IO limitation by charlieplexing the buttons, doubling up on the I2C clock pin
01:26 PM Smidge204: I should probably use the I2C data line instead so the conencted chip doesn't try to interpret the polling as clock
01:31 PM twnqx: or add an i2c io extender :P
01:41 PM LeoNerd: PCA8574 is easy and cheap.. I often use those for some additional LEDs or buttons
02:13 PM Smidge204: I considered an IO expander too, but decided to treat it as a challenge :D
08:30 PM day_ is now known as day
09:29 PM Thrashbarg_ is now known as Thrashbarg
10:40 PM jadew` is now known as jadew
11:19 PM day_ is now known as day