#avr Logs

Apr 21 2020

#avr Calendar

03:36 AM hackkitten is now known as Miyu
04:10 PM Smidge204: Reading about the SPI hardware in the attiny814. The flag bits that tell you if the data has been send or received onyl apply to buffered mode, so... it's not clear how you'd use unbuffered mode, or why there's an unbuffered mode at all?
04:25 PM LeoNerd: Yah; I've not worked that one out myself. I just use it in buffered mode
04:27 PM LeoNerd: That said, my SPI HAL is tiiiny. just two functions :) https://paste.debian.net/1141959/
04:30 PM Smidge204: Seems like it would take effort to make it any more complicated
04:30 PM LeoNerd: Yeah.. SPI is nicely simple
04:31 PM Smidge204: My goal now is to get this SPI flash chip talking. If I can read the data out and dump it to the UART I can dump the chip's contents as a proof of concept
04:31 PM Smidge204: Then I can work on writing to it
05:54 PM Smidge204: https://i.imgur.com/HJVhLkb.png This looks promising...
05:55 PM Smidge204: 0x03 is the "Read" command, followed by a 24 bit address (0x000000), then it just spits out the byte at that address and automagically goes to the next address, spitting out bytes sequentially until the CS line goes high again
11:40 PM day_ is now known as day