#avr Logs

Apr 16 2020

#avr Calendar

03:43 AM gxt_ is now known as gxt
09:27 AM rue_mohr: macro reminder
09:27 AM rue_mohr: #define SetBit(BIT, PORT) (PORT |= (1<<BIT))
09:27 AM rue_mohr: #define ClearBit(BIT, PORT) (PORT &= ~(1<<BIT))
09:27 AM rue_mohr: #define IsHigh(BIT, PORT) (PORT & (1<<BIT)) != 0
09:27 AM rue_mohr: #define IsLow(BIT, PORT) (PORT & (1<<BIT)) == 0
09:27 AM rue_mohr: #define NOP() asm volatile ("nop"::)
09:28 AM rue_mohr: save time, use pre-tested macros
09:29 AM rue_mohr: cehteh, "new shit" I said microchip would screw it all up didn't I?
09:30 AM cehteh: yeah
09:34 AM rue_mohr: I'd like to say I'v switched over to stm32, but honestly, I'v not done much of anything
09:34 AM rue_mohr: and attiny26 is STILL the chip with the most ADC inputs/$ than anything
09:45 AM cehteh: i want to switch to risc-v .. sying that since some time now but not started with it yet
09:46 AM cehteh: stm/arm is quite a mess, its nicecly hidden from the programmer when you use all the available libraries but still makes one puke when looking closer on the arch
09:52 AM twnqx: stm/arm is hell :P
09:53 AM twnqx: i still haven't managed to build a toolchain that yields working executables on stm32
09:59 AM cehteh: i've done compiling for stm32 .. with installed toolchains
10:00 AM cehteh: but not really developed on it except small fixes
10:00 AM cehteh: i've read the architecture book and had to barf what crap loaden it is
10:01 AM cehteh: in contrast the risc-v reader is 100something pages and explains all in detail nicely, logically ,, from 32 bit to 128 bit implementaitons
11:07 AM nohit: stm32 isnt architecture
11:08 AM nohit: it covers quite a lot of different architectures
11:09 AM twnqx: no shit. i still can't build a toolchain for cortex m0 that produces binaries running in ROM, particular for STM32 as that's the only thing i tested with
11:09 AM nohit: m4, m3, m0, m0+...
11:09 AM nohit: 18:00:10 <cehteh> i've read the architecture book and had to barf what crap loaden it is
11:14 AM cehteh: nohit: meant arm
03:33 PM Smidge204_: I can now play WAV files through the Attiny814 via serial port
03:34 PM Smidge204_: Sure it has to be 8-bit 8KHz mono and it's a bit distorted 'cause I make zero attempt to get the sample rate correct but it demonstates proof of concept!
03:47 PM Smidge204_: https://youtu.be/KMgUxBdnJXE
03:51 PM LeoNerd: Serial port? Curious.. why?
03:53 PM LeoNerd: Oh, I see.. Just using the chip as a serial->DAC
03:53 PM LeoNerd: Yah the onboard DAC annoys me.. it can't use VCC as a scale reference
03:56 PM Smidge204_: It's a little odd yeah, looks to be a diode drop somewhere
03:57 PM Smidge204_: The whole point is to experiment with serial streaming; the next step is to stream data from the PC to program an API flash chip
03:57 PM LeoNerd: So,... UPDI over serial?
03:58 PM Smidge204_: UPDI is a separate interface
03:58 PM LeoNerd: It's just serial
03:59 PM Smidge204_: I mean it's separate in that it's physically separate from what I'm doing
03:59 PM LeoNerd: Oh,.. righty
03:59 PM Smidge204_: This is just the USART interface and DAC
04:00 PM Smidge204_: interrupt driven RX, it just takes the RX buffer and puts it into the DAC, then goes back to sleep
04:03 PM cehteh: Smidge204_: you may add some very simple compression scheme maybe that improves bandwidth and quality
04:04 PM Smidge204_: I might if that was the ultimate goal
04:04 PM Smidge204_: But I just wanted a fun way to verify I could dump a bunch of data onto the serial port and have it come out the other side
04:05 PM cehteh: sounds like fun
11:46 PM day_ is now known as day