#avr Logs

Apr 09 2020

#avr Calendar

12:21 AM rue_bed: sounds like windows software
03:27 AM Thrashbarg_ is now known as Thrashbarg
07:47 AM Thrashbarg_ is now known as Thrashbarg
09:50 AM PublicWiFi is now known as GrumpyWiFI
09:50 AM GrumpyWiFI is now known as McDonaldsWiFi
05:28 PM Smidge204_: Yes I use AtmelStudio. I'm 99% sure it happened because I copied something out of Microchip's PDF to use a comment and it copied some weird character that didn't show up in the editor
05:44 PM Smidge204_: holy shit okay found the problem
05:45 PM Smidge204_: I didn't have any kind of loop to keep the thing ticking over to it entered a halt state; no output
06:14 PM Smidge204_: https://i.imgur.com/2NVd4J3.png Mission accomplished
06:47 PM nohit: nice
07:20 PM Smidge204_: Yay I got it playing a WAV sample at 8 bit/8Khz
07:28 PM Smidge204_: https://youtu.be/vgI3KkhryVw
10:23 PM evidlo2: I wrote some pseudocode for my idea of a simple scheduler type framework. Could someone tell me if this looks practicable on an AVR? https://dpaste.org/jhco
11:54 PM day_ is now known as day