#avr Logs

Jan 23 2020

#avr Calendar

04:14 AM Thrashbarg_ is now known as Thrashbarg
06:15 AM Thrashbarg_ is now known as Thrashbarg
07:12 AM skz81: nuxil, "but there is #arduino for that tho." >> There is interesting talks on this chan ? I tend to believe it was 100% arduino's API oriented (what is NOT of interest to me :)...
07:28 AM nuxil: yes its mostly arduino api. i dont like it either, but the do talk alot about other mcu's. esp's bluepill's etc, not only atmegas
07:39 AM skz81: nuxil, thanks. Being for atmegas or other MCUs, I tend to avoid Arduino API when I can. One exception is the esp8266, because I was lazy (and I wanted this specific code to run on an atmega either). But there may be some interesting stuff about the HW, i'll try to have a look
07:41 AM nuxil: i learned the hard way to not use arduino api for avr's
07:42 AM nuxil: you know. if you want to do anything with isr and timers. youre kind of screwd. the arduino crap overwrites your isr code.
07:43 AM nuxil: i spent like 1/2 a day trying to figure out wtf was wrong with my code. then i did some digging around and i saw they overwrite sertan isr's with their own crap :p
07:43 AM djph: nuxil: and by "certain", you mean "all of them"
07:44 AM nuxil: possibly.
07:46 AM djph: pretty sure they clobber all of them these days (or at least all the ones that one would otherwise find useful)
07:47 AM nuxil: and the worst part is that you cant disable their overwriteing. they should add some ifdef DISABLE_ARDUINO_ISR but noo.
07:48 AM djph: oh come on now, why would they do something that doesn't force you into writing around their code?
07:48 AM nuxil: heh
07:50 AM djph: or, more apropriately, abandoning it forever?
07:54 AM nuxil: i dont touch the arduino api anymore. only reason i have the ide installed is so i got the toolchain on my windows pc.
07:55 AM nuxil: and with MinGW i have the make tool. so i just use makefiles instead.
07:59 AM nuxil: i guess most of you guys code on linux tho.
08:00 AM Fuchikoma: I use AtmelStudio on Windows
08:00 AM Fuchikoma: Also Arduino is good for what it's intended for; Novice and semi-experienced hobbyists and students.
08:02 AM Fuchikoma: They traded power and flexibility for ease of use. For better or worse, they did an amazing job at building a whle new generation of electronics hobbyists and possibly an entire sector of the "maker" industry
08:02 AM nuxil: for sure.
08:03 AM Fuchikoma: So just graduate beyond Arduino when you're advanced enough for it to be getting in your way :)
08:04 AM * skz81 approves this message
08:04 AM skz81: and Chuck Norris does also
08:05 AM nuxil: my 1st avr chip i bough was an atiny85. i was tossed right into C and makefiles :)
08:05 AM Fuchikoma: woohoo
08:06 AM skz81: https://thumbs.gfycat.com/AchingInfatuatedGrayfox-size_restricted.gif
08:08 AM nuxil: Chuck Norris :D remindes me of a comment i saw in a some code not so long ago.. ""you can not divide by zero. youre not chuck norris""
08:10 AM skz81: Yup. That's because He already counted to infinity. Twice. Then he knows !
08:10 AM skz81: fun comment BTW :)
08:14 AM nuxil: https://andrewvos.com/amount-of-profanity-in-git-commit-messages-per-programming-language/
08:14 AM nuxil: lol
08:17 AM Fuchikoma: Data needs to be normalized
08:17 AM djph: I'm surprised Java is so low
08:17 AM Fuchikoma: e.g. swear words per 100 lines or something like that
08:17 AM Fuchikoma: 'cause it could be there's just a lot more C++ code skewign the results
08:35 AM skz81: <djph> I'm surprised Java is so low >> Java coders are braindead, maybe ^^
08:36 AM skz81: Philosophical zombies. They don't experiment qualias
08:38 AM Fuchikoma: Maybe they're just too emotionally broken to be frustrated or angry
08:39 AM skz81: Fuchikoma, we are saying about the same, acktually ;°)
08:48 AM djph: skz81: emotionally broken or no; "fuck this" is always a necessary comment in Java.
09:07 AM nohit: Im a java coder
09:07 AM nohit: Among other things
09:10 AM nohit: Java is pretty handy for android
09:18 AM nohit: Altho if i was to start the mobile project now, i would consider Qt
09:19 AM nohit: Both platforms with same code base
09:19 AM nohit: And native
09:31 AM nuxil: oh android.. i got my new phone today. and damn. i forgot to check what sim size it used before i orded it. so now i cant use it until my new sim arrives. :\
09:33 AM nohit: Cut it
09:33 AM twnqx: are still phones with something else but nano sims?
09:33 AM nuxil: my old htc used a micro sim. and this new one uses a nano.
09:33 AM nuxil: cut it. nah., i wait for a new sim.
09:34 AM twnqx: what could possibly go wrong :P
09:34 AM nuxil: wit my luck everything :p
10:25 AM nuxil: man. windows can go fuck them self. i spent hours downloading vs2015 to have support for windowsphone, so i can write a simple app for it. i download a pack of examples for phone development. load them up in vs2015, just to get hit in face with message that i need a newer vs version. so i spend more time dl a newer version of vs. try again. but in this version they friking removed support for the windows-phone. makeing examples useless. and made me waste a
10:25 AM nuxil: hole lot of time
10:28 AM * nuxil is pissed off
10:31 AM PoppaVic: "whole"
11:20 AM djph: nuxil: didn't microsoft basically kill off winphone like in 2018?
11:22 AM nuxil: yes they screwd everyone haveing a ms phone bigtime. support was dropped. december 10, 2019
11:24 AM polprog: further lumias run android
11:24 AM nuxil: and after messing around a bit with this crap. i fully understand why ms phones didnt become a thing. just to make app is a nightmare. like. why the hell do i need to registere the phone to make an app for it.
11:24 AM polprog: the interface was an interesting UI stunt
11:24 AM polprog: i kindof saw some strong good sides of the design
11:25 AM nuxil: polprog, its shit. unless you liked the win8 startmenu.
11:25 AM polprog: could work okay for the vision impaired, default dark mode (black on white on a computer display is just fuck no)
11:25 AM polprog: win8 start menu was a disaster for computers
11:25 AM polprog: but for a small touch screen its not *that* bad
11:25 AM polprog: on the other hand you had these extremely thin letters
11:25 AM djph: polprog: sure, but there are better interfaces :)
11:25 AM polprog: so thats kinda useless if you are blind
11:26 AM polprog: im not saying its the best
11:26 AM polprog: but it was definitely different than Touch Wiz or iOS
11:26 AM djph: man, kids these days make me wanna cry
11:27 AM djph: anyway, moving on ...
11:33 AM polprog: nuxil: did you open it and probed some stuff?
11:33 AM polprog: ive got a bricked satnav with what seems to be a paralell interface
11:33 AM polprog: and it even works
11:34 AM nuxil: i have it disassemble here on my desk.
11:34 AM polprog: displays an all red screen with logo... i could probe around but theres no way i can get a matching connector
11:34 AM polprog: what mike did was pretty smart, since there are tons of these ipod displays...
11:35 AM nuxil: i cant really do anything inside it. everything is so small. pitch on thouse connector are like 0.3 or 0.4 mm or something.
11:36 AM polprog: haha
11:36 AM nuxil: i only watched his part 1 video. and saw that he used a fpga board. then i just stopped watching. out of my scope.
11:37 AM Fuchikoma: nuxil: You could DIY a matching breakout board to increase the pin size to give you somethig to connect to
11:37 AM Fuchikoma: Depends on how motivated you are to make it work
11:39 AM nuxil: the speed this mipi|dsi requires high speed from what i understand, up in several Mhz. i dont have anything that can handle it.
11:41 AM nuxil: so it looks like phone goes into trashbin and i'll go to ebay and search for a lcd with hdmi or some other sane connections
11:42 AM Fuchikoma: aw
11:42 AM Fuchikoma: Please recycle :p Maybe salvage the battery?
11:43 AM nuxil: i like to recycle when i can and i alway try to salvage batterys.
11:44 AM nuxil: *always
05:34 PM vmt: java is a piece of shit, pretty much.
05:34 PM vmt: right on par right there with python
11:57 PM day__ is now known as day