#avr Logs

Jan 22 2020

#avr Calendar

03:06 AM * nuxil yawns
03:12 AM nuxil: not that expensive for a roll of film. arounds 10$ for 30cmx 5meters.
04:25 AM rue_bed: hu?
04:26 AM rue_bed: can you show me the film you mean?
04:56 AM nuxil: example https://www.amazon.com/30cm%C3%975m-Portable-Photosensitive-Production-Photoresist/dp/B07MMVPY1Z/ref=pd_cp_328_3/139-6054804-9641765?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B07MMVPY1Z&pd_rd_r=0161fd5b-0d11-43ce-b49f-ab8b9fe8a228&pd_rd_w=GFj2n&pd_rd_wg=E0uOq&pf_rd_p=592dc715-8438-4207-b7fa-4c7afdeb6112&pf_rd_r=RNKCXQ6RHH7TFB30NSWB&psc=1&refRID=RNKCXQ6RHH7TFB30NSWB
04:58 AM nuxil: there is also variants that comes in spraycans. but i found thouse to be expensive. around 20-25 bucks per spraycan.
05:50 AM MrFahrenheit: I never had luck with that foil, the one I had was hard to apply without tiny bubbles (even tried wet application), hard to laminate consistently, and also hard to develop consistently, with the last being the major issue
05:51 AM MrFahrenheit: I'd expose and develop it, and it would look absolutely perfect, even under a loupe, but I would put it in the acid and it turns out half of it was covered with a thin invisible layer of polymer so it wouldn't etch
05:51 AM djph: MrFahrenheit: aren't you supposed to clean it off in acetone before etching?
05:51 AM nuxil: yes
05:52 AM nuxil: lol
05:52 AM nuxil: not acetone
05:52 AM nuxil: but clean it.
05:52 AM MrFahrenheit: I would wash and dry it
05:52 AM nuxil: i dont know the english word. we call it kausticsodea
05:53 AM djph: nuxil: "caustic soda" is I think commonly known as "lye" ?
05:54 AM djph: nuxil: yeah -- lye / sodium hydroxide
05:54 AM MrFahrenheit: I used sodium carbonate as a developer and sodium hydroxide as a remover
05:54 AM djph: aka drain cleaner
05:54 AM nuxil: yea.
05:55 AM MrFahrenheit: using sodium hydroxide before etching wouldn't be very successful :P
07:51 AM Fuchikoma: I use that UV film and think it's superior in results compared to the toner transfer method. I make masks using laser printer transparencies
07:53 AM Fuchikoma: Never had a problem with bubbles tbh. I use a wet application (tap water)
07:53 AM cehteh: would be nice if someone invented a wax printer (yoi know the xerox ones?) printing directly on the circuit board
07:53 AM cehteh: then only etching and cleaning
08:00 AM Fuchikoma: I wonder if an inkjet would suffice, even if you nede a custom "ink"
08:00 AM Fuchikoma: I know they make 3D printers that use inkjet and a UV cure resin, that might work. Dunno about cleanup though
08:00 AM nuxil: i seen some diy projects with 3dprinters using a pen to draw with. but the results i seen is not impressive.
08:01 AM Fuchikoma: Also PCB routing
08:01 AM Fuchikoma: Replace the extruder ehad with a dremel and etching bit
08:02 AM nuxil: i seen people do that too. but ther issues with the drillbit pushing on the traces when i passes close to another one..
08:03 AM Fuchikoma: Yup. Plus 3D printers just aren't built for that kind of thing
08:06 AM nuxil: i want to try exposing pcbs with a lcd screen with uvbacklight. but i dont want to buy new lcd and rip it apart.
08:06 AM nuxil: so im thinking perhaps i can use some old phone screens. but i cant find any info on how to drive it.
08:06 AM nuxil: or pinouts
08:06 AM Fuchikoma: Use the phone
08:07 AM Fuchikoma: Should be able to flip the screen away with it still connected
08:07 AM nuxil: well. its a Nokia_Lumia_920 and its a shit phone.
08:07 AM Fuchikoma: Hit up craigslist or maybe there's a freecycle group in your area; ask if anyone has an LCD screen with a bad backlight
08:08 AM nuxil: windows phone.
08:08 AM Fuchikoma: So what it just needs to dispaly a static image
08:08 AM nuxil: and its sille. i cant uploade picures to it over usb. it needs fucking onedrive account.
08:08 AM nuxil: worst phone i ever had in my hands.
08:09 AM Fuchikoma: bleh
08:09 AM Fuchikoma: Still though I'm interested in the idea; if the results are good enough that seems like it would improve the workflow
08:09 AM nuxil: yup
08:10 AM skz81: <nuxil> i seen some diy projects with 3dprinters using a pen to draw with. >> reinventing plotters ^^ https://macroenter101.files.wordpress.com/2014/02/old-plotter-large.jpg
08:10 AM nuxil: hehe :)
08:11 AM nuxil: i like its name. Robotron
08:12 AM skz81: Unsure what it's drawing, but it looks... Chaotic :)
08:13 AM Fuchikoma: The most overbuilt spirograph ever
10:58 AM Snoras_ is now known as Snoras
05:07 PM vmt: also good job rue_bed!
05:29 PM rue_mohr: who thinks I ought just ban nohit ?
05:32 PM nuxil: nah. dont ban. i belive they get the point that youre fed up this "come join us instead"
05:33 PM nuxil: lets rather come together and sing kumbaya instead of beeing so hostile towards eachother :p
05:41 PM nuxil: they want more people in the channel. but fact is, avr mcu's are dying and its not getting better. people have moved onto stm. esp and whatnot. we need a mcu|mpu channel. but there is #arduino for that tho.
05:42 PM PoppaVic: rue: crucifixion. head pikes. Otherwise, don't play.
05:48 PM rue_mohr: this is quite a contrast foks
11:58 PM day__ is now known as day