#avr Logs

Dec 23 2019

#avr Calendar

12:07 AM day__ is now known as day
01:06 AM day__ is now known as day
02:21 AM day__ is now known as day
03:25 AM rue_mohr: where is the question?
09:13 AM day__ is now known as day
10:16 AM vmt: --
05:59 PM Androo: Forgive me, I'm trying to help out my boss and have no expertise in this: Trying to compile an AVR project that, from what I can gather, uses a GCC toolchain and CMake. I can get it compiled to a point where it complains about missing 'libsam0_lib_hw_timer.a', which appears to be part of the 'Advanced Software Framework'. How might I proceed in this? Should I even be attempting to compile this under Linux?
05:59 PM Androo: A kick in the right direction would be appreciated.
06:17 PM cehteh: you need to install this advanced software framework somewhere where the cmakefiles find/expect it
06:24 PM nohit: yes
06:24 PM nohit: its the atmel ASF
06:27 PM Androo: The CMakeList.txt references it like so: target_link_libraries(${TARGET_NAME} ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/libsam0_lib_hw_timer.a)
06:28 PM Androo: And I can find that file in the ASF zip.
06:28 PM Androo: So does that mean I should just copy that file straight to the source directory? Is that really the procedure?
06:35 PM cehteh: doesnt the project you try to compile come with some docs?
06:35 PM cehteh: how to build etc
06:36 PM Androo: That would be ideal wouldn't it? :) No.
06:36 PM cehteh: well looks like you have to copy it there
06:39 PM Androo: This is one of those "company outsourced development, had legal issues, now has a product with fimrware and no in-company expertise" situations.
06:40 PM cehteh: glhf :D
06:42 PM cehteh: you only need to build it or need to maintain or even extend it?
06:43 PM Androo: There's a minor bug, which I've identified the cause of by looking at the source. Need to build and test.
06:44 PM cehteh: should be doable then
06:46 PM Androo: Is using GCC a fairly common thing in AVR development? Everything on MicroChip's website seems to push you towards AVR Studio on Windows.
06:46 PM cehteh: most peole here use gcc
06:47 PM cehteh: iirc avrstudio comes with gcc under the hood too, but dunni, i dont use that
06:51 PM Androo: Okay, well, copying that .a file to the source directory gets me a bit further. Hopefully I'll be able to figure it out on my own from here. Your answeres helped me have confidence I'm at least not crazy with my approach.
06:51 PM Androo: Thanks a bunch.
06:52 PM cehteh: np
08:29 PM davor_ is now known as davor
09:16 PM Dreg: Hi, one simple question, I have an AT90USBKEY2, is possible debug this board with ATATMEL-ICE (reference) via JTAG in Atmel Studio 7??? I need some extra cable??