#avr Logs

Dec 10 2019

#avr Calendar

12:01 AM day__ is now known as day
03:35 AM br33: hey all
03:38 AM br33: with bluepill + STM32 USB adapter is TTL programming still nessesary when a project instructs it?
03:50 AM skz81: br33, hello. Unsure because i'm not an STM32 user. But very often "USB adapter" are just USB to UART converter (so, USB stream serialized to TTL levels @ a baud rate)
03:51 AM skz81: So it's probably an alternative
03:52 AM skz81: In some cases, though... I'm thinking of AVRs high voltage programming... But that's prolly out-of-scope
06:52 AM Fuchikoma: AVRs use high voltage programming?
07:03 AM djph: Fuchikoma: they can
07:04 AM djph: Fuchikoma: although I think it's more just a 12v pulse to the reset pin to go "oi! I really mean program!" when the reset pin has been defined to be standard I/O
07:05 AM Fuchikoma: AFAIK the 12V is only to overcome a fuse bit that prevents normal programming
07:05 AM Fuchikoma: Or something like that
07:05 AM djph: yeah
07:05 AM Fuchikoma: But it's otherwise not at all required ;p
07:06 AM djph: correct
07:13 AM polprog: well there is also HVPP which allows you to program in paralell
07:13 AM polprog: several avrs at once
07:17 AM LeoNerd: I'm not sure that's really the use-case for it, is it?
07:18 AM LeoNerd: In any case, "HV" programming differs quite a lot between different chips. The pre-UPDI chips use a totally different HV programming mechanism as compared LV on the same chip.. HVSP or HVPP on those. Totally unlike ISP
07:19 AM LeoNerd: Whereas the 12V-enable pulse of UPDI is just that - an "enable" pulse that then switches the UPDI pin into programming mode, wherein it works exactly the same as regular UPDI
07:19 AM Fuchikoma: Ah yes; That's the other thing I couldn't remember... if you configure the reset pin to be anything else on a UPDI device, you need a HV pulse to undo that so you can program it again
07:20 AM LeoNerd: Yah. I make/sell a programmer for that. Turns out that you can just use the assertion of the RTS handshaking line on the serial port, to momentarily send that 12V pulse, and then carry on as normal. :)
07:20 AM LeoNerd: So no special software required on the PC side
07:20 AM Fuchikoma: Neat
07:28 AM djph: only downside is the stupid $20 pricetag, and $900-billion shipping charges :D
07:31 AM Fuchikoma: Ever feel compelled to buy extra shit just to the shipping is a smaller portion of the total charge?
08:05 AM skz81: djph, stop trying making pizzas delivered to the ISS :p
08:06 AM skz81: trying to make*
08:07 AM djph: skz81: nah, shipping from leonerd to here via tindie's overpriced shipping options
08:20 AM skz81: djph, yes I was just kidding. More seriously : I see 5€ ($5.5) of fees, for the 1st item and +$1 for additional items
08:21 AM skz81: sounds not that crazy to me :)
08:22 AM skz81: s/for/per/
08:25 AM LeoNerd: It's not *Tindie's* shipping, it's my shipping. These things do cost actual money to post :P
08:26 AM LeoNerd: I don't live in China, so I don't have the advantage of heavily state-subsidised shipping allowing me to send things basically for free...
08:48 AM skz81: LeoNerd, is the firmware of you thingies open sourced ?
09:05 AM LeoNerd: Most of my things don't even have firmware.. e.g. the UPDI+12V programmer is just a CP2015 USB-UART bridge. No firmware on that
09:06 AM LeoNerd: I do have a couple of things though - the button controller on the OLED panel boards, and the new logic monitor.. that's not open
09:23 AM shan: Quick question
09:23 AM shan: if it is 8-bit wouldn't it be the stm-8
09:24 AM shan: also, is there an AVR simulator that has the pcf8563 real time clock part
09:43 AM rue_mohr: I dont really know if the stm32 is 32bit
09:43 AM rue_mohr: I think its 16
09:43 AM rue_mohr: I should look at some assembler output again
09:46 AM LeoNerd: I think the chip itself is 32bit but the IO ports are 16
10:05 AM shan: the stm8 is 8 bit but with a lot of peripherals lifted straight out of the stm32
10:12 AM djph: skz81: LeoNerd Oh, I know -- it's shipping across the Atlantic that has me burned :)
10:36 AM skz81: new logic monitor.. that's not open <= fuck that's what I was interested in :p
10:38 AM shan: so is there an avr simulator that has the pcf8563 chip
10:39 AM skz81: LeoNerd, you display was making me think of a design of mine : https://github.com/SKZ81/ssd1306_openPowerSwitch/blob/master/images/outlet_status.jpg
10:41 AM skz81: I rewrote a driver for the particular chip addressing baks (lines) directly an no framebuffer in RAM (75% of the 2KiB being aimed at storing ethernet frames :p)
10:44 AM skz81: s/baks/banks/
10:57 AM nohit: i dont see the point of using stm8
10:57 AM nohit: like...why
10:58 AM nohit: there's already attniy equivalents in stm32s
10:58 AM nohit: *attiny
11:00 AM nohit: well it does hurt to learn a new architecture
11:01 AM nohit: but stm8 just sounds so lame
11:01 AM nohit: +not
11:03 AM nohit: if you wanna learn new arch and dont wanna go to arms, msp430 is a good choice
11:03 AM cehteh: risc-v
11:03 AM nohit: that's more advenced
11:03 AM cehteh: no extremely simple
11:04 AM nohit: its 32bits, is it
11:04 AM cehteh: yes but the arch is still much simpler than most others
11:04 AM nohit: msp430 is like avrs
11:05 AM nohit: ok
11:05 AM cehteh: https://www.amazon.de/RISC-V-Reader-Open-Architecture-Atlas/dp/0999249118 << 200 pages, explains almost all
11:05 AM cehteh: unlike stm32 for examplle :D
11:38 AM shan: Ok, i've never used direct embedded-c before.. should i get an STM chip?
07:28 PM rue_mohr: stm or avr
07:28 PM rue_mohr: what do you want to do?
07:28 PM rue_mohr: embedded C isn't really any different than normal C
07:28 PM rue_mohr: There are just magic globals you change to manipulate the world
08:29 PM davor_ is now known as davor