#avr Logs

Dec 01 2019

#avr Calendar

04:12 AM Miyu is now known as hackkitten
04:22 AM cbmuser: Hi! I have created a BountySource campaign to save the AVR backend in GCC: https://www.bountysource.com/issues/84630749-avr-convert-the-backend-to-mode_cc-so-it-can-be-kept-in-future-releases
04:23 AM cbmuser: AVR will be removed from GCC with version 11 because of this transition: https://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/CC0Transition
04:23 AM cbmuser: deprecation message for cc0 here: https://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc-patches/2019-09/msg01256.html
04:41 AM polprog: hmm. Are there any other compilers that support AVR?
04:41 AM polprog: sdcc probably does
04:42 AM cehteh: nop
04:42 AM polprog: oh, they used to have that
04:42 AM polprog: abandoned "because gcc is better in avr"
04:43 AM cehteh: anyway avr-gcc fallen behind by far and is seperately build and packaged, we can keep using it while leaving the sinking ship
04:43 AM polprog: yeah
04:43 AM cehteh: i dont really see a long term future for avr
04:44 AM polprog: me neither
04:46 AM cehteh: maybe the attiny's there are no other similar simple and small chips in risv-v and arm land available for hobbyists
04:47 AM nohit: yes there are
04:47 AM cehteh: there are some small ARM's but they are BGA and not easily sourceable
04:47 AM nohit: nope
04:47 AM cehteh: whcih ones?
04:47 AM nohit: cant remember from top of my head, new 6/8 pin stm32's
04:48 AM nohit: i think it was the G0 series
04:49 AM cehteh: note: most important thing woulöd not be their existence but avaliablility in small quantities around the corner
04:49 AM cehteh: and low/no external components required
04:49 AM cehteh: just their existence wont help much when you can only order a 10k Reel
04:50 AM cehteh: and need some special toochain and equipment for flashing
04:51 AM nohit: same tools work of course
04:52 AM nohit: plenty of stock https://www.mouser.fi/ProductDetail/STMicroelectronics/STM32G030J6M6?qs=%2Fha2pyFaduhTkV3kaftN2S%252B9nKTlhv9CpM0lqrTwc0DX2ZabNmNArA%3D%3D
04:54 AM cehteh: ok
06:30 AM nohit: that stm32g030j6 looks like a decent chip for 80cents https://i.postimg.cc/1XH4YGJj/j6.png
11:39 PM day__ is now known as day