#avr Logs

Nov 09 2019

#avr Calendar

12:08 AM day__ is now known as day
01:47 AM Posterdati: hi
01:50 AM cehteh: morning
01:50 AM Posterdati: please help, I downloaded the std peripherals library 1.8.0 for stm32f4xx-discovery, I'm trying to compile a simple blinky program using this library using gcc on linux, but I've got a lot of error in stm32f4xx_rcc.c from the library itself. I did set -DSTM32F40_41xxx in the Makefile, any hints? Thanks!
01:51 AM cehteh: tried #stm32 or #arm ?
01:51 AM Posterdati: no
01:52 AM cehteh: .o(who put stm32 in the topic :D )
01:52 AM Posterdati: ok
01:52 AM Posterdati: I'm using AVR cpus too :)
01:52 AM Posterdati: I did a lot of things for that
01:52 AM cehteh: anyway seems something is installed or ocnfigured rong
01:53 AM cehteh: pay attention to what the errors say
01:53 AM Posterdati: the errors complains about struct members that are not declared, so I think it is a wrong -D
01:54 AM cehteh: possibly .. figure out which
01:59 AM Posterdati: on the stm32f3 I compiled a library, on the stm32f4 some *.c are missing in the CMSIS, I did a library too but cannot link it against the program, it cannot find library functions...
06:31 AM rue_mohr: Posterdati, well...
06:32 AM rue_mohr: its funny, us avr folk seem to be quite familiar with stm32
08:48 AM Jhereg is now known as PoppaVic
03:58 PM rue_shop1: does anyone know if calling rcc_periph_clock_enable(RCC_GPIOA);
03:58 PM rue_shop1: would cause a pin to not work?
03:58 PM rue_shop1: (calling it twice)
04:04 PM rue_shop1: uint16_t ads1115BlockedReadSingle(uint8_t addr, uint16_t config){
04:04 PM rue_shop1: ads1115BlockedReadSingle( addr, config );
04:04 PM rue_shop1: while(!ads1115IsReady(addr));
04:04 PM rue_shop1: return ads1115Result(addr);
04:04 PM rue_shop1: }
04:05 PM rue_shop1: IT JUST LOCKS UP!!! I DONT GET IT!!!!!
04:05 PM rue_shop1: ;)
04:05 PM joakimk: I'm working on a small project where an avr communicates with a server over wifi, through an ESP8266. The devices will all be on the same wifi. As a start, I've used a python script on my laptop as the server, and the avr connects to the IP of my laptop. However, this has to be hard-coded into the avr? When I try to run the server on a smart phone
04:05 PM joakimk: (Android Java app), there's a different IP... How does this work IRL?
04:07 PM rue_shop1: unless you want to implement dhcp
04:07 PM joakimk: I've used this blog as starter code: https://www.electronicwings.com/avr-atmega/atmega16-interface-with-esp8266-module
04:07 PM rue_shop1: sorry, I'm drowning in a project just now