#avr Logs

Oct 25 2019

#avr Calendar

04:08 AM _abc_: Was there any talk about retrobsd here? Using retrobsd on a stm32f4xxx with memory controller?
04:31 AM * _abc_ idly wonders if retrobsd will be ported to ESP32 some day, soon
04:32 AM _abc_: http://retrobsd.org/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=37470 the answer was yesish in 2016
04:47 AM _abc_: In roundabout ways that led me to http://nuttx.org/ - which runs on avr and stm32 among others, and also on esp32
04:55 AM _abc_: Anyone here used nuttx ?
09:02 AM Snoras_ is now known as Snoras
09:35 AM flip214: Is there a tool that simulates a binary and tells me how many cycles my attiny needs to get from one point to another?
09:35 AM flip214: or, rather, a range, because of branches etc.
09:38 AM Fuchikoma: if you wrote your program in assembly you wouldn't have that problem :D
09:38 AM flip214: Fuchikoma: I _wrote_ it in assembly
09:38 AM flip214: but I don't want to count the cycles myself
09:39 AM flip214: and with loops (with a fixed amount of iterations!) a simulator should be easy
09:40 AM Fuchikoma: Did you use Atmel Studio?
09:40 AM Fuchikoma: https://www.microchip.com/webdoc/GUID-ECD8A826-B1DA-44FC-BE0B-5A53418A47BD/index.html?GUID-3942769A-2F96-4B7D-905D-804038A2306E
09:41 AM flip214: no... vim, Makefile, and avr-gcc plus right now I'm using simulavr
09:43 AM Fuchikoma: welp
09:52 AM JanC_ is now known as JanC
09:55 AM flip214: simulavr tells me "Invalid write access to IO[0x34]=0x10, PC=0x6a" ... that instruction is "out 0x14, r18"
09:55 AM flip214: I'm trying to access DIDR0 on an attiny45, why does that think I'm writing to MCUSR?
09:56 AM flip214: or does simulavr not know about DIDR0?
09:58 AM _abc_: flip214: did you select the right mcu in simulavr?
09:58 AM flip214: # simulavr -d attiny85 -f <file>.elf -p 62312 --gdbserver -v
10:00 AM nohit: Atmel studio has really nice simulator
10:00 AM nohit: among other things
10:01 AM nohit: you can write code and test things without ever touching the hw
10:01 AM flip214: ah, IO[] is the general notation in simulavr...
10:01 AM flip214: nohit: I'd like to script my use of simulavr, to get some kind of automated testing
10:02 AM nohit: yeah, i dont know simulavr
10:05 AM flip214: no problem, I'll find out
10:12 AM flip214: ah, DIDR0 just doesn't get simulated.
10:23 AM _abc_: hm?
02:37 PM Steffann is now known as Steffanx
04:04 PM polprog: [17:03] flip214: ah, DIDR0 just doesn't get simulated.
04:05 PM polprog: should be fairly easy to add
05:32 PM Snoras_ is now known as Snoras
11:37 PM day__ is now known as day