#avr Logs

Oct 07 2019

#avr Calendar

01:12 AM rue_mohr: how much is shipping form china to the usa now?
01:17 AM rue_mohr: sounded like he completely borked packages
04:24 AM djph: rue_mohr: hmm, from the PCB-fabs, like $5.
03:04 PM julius: hi
03:05 PM julius: any idea why there are three potentiometers on here: https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/l50AAOSwjodZ57~A/s-l1600.jpg its a Step Down Adjustable CC/CV Power Supply
03:06 PM julius: one for current, one for voltage?
03:07 PM PoppaVic: Some designs let you also set the current-limits.
03:24 PM twnqx: anyone here used LUFA for USB on a mega32u4 or similar?
03:35 PM julius: PoppaVic, i see
03:46 PM julius: im not finding a complete elm-chan petit fs example or they are not writing to the file...how hard can it be to write a complete tutorial where you can paste the code into a main.c and run it?
04:01 PM * PoppaVic chuckles
04:13 PM timemage: PoppaVic, i'm starting to wonder if there's any significant difference between when you chuckle and when you chortle. =)
04:15 PM PoppaVic: No. They are only slightly different.. I usually chuckle first, then chortle, then fall down - unable to breath - in full-out guffaws ;-)
04:16 PM timemage: PoppaVic, ah, you have a system!
04:16 PM timemage: a plan.
04:16 PM PoppaVic: we all do, they just pass or fail differently ;-)
04:16 PM PoppaVic: I had a plan once... Then life fucked it all up. Goddamned analog meatspace ;-P
04:17 PM timemage: hmm, digital meat.
04:17 PM PoppaVic: It's worse than wetware! ;-)