#avr Logs

Aug 01 2019

#avr Calendar

03:29 AM riotz_ is now known as riotz
07:09 AM vmt: --
07:45 AM janco_ is now known as janco
08:29 AM merethan_w: Can I call an interrupt vector as a function?
08:54 AM Kliment: merethan_w: you can but it's a bad idea
08:54 AM Kliment: merethan_w: if you're doing that sort of thing, make a normal function, call that from the interrupt vector
08:55 AM merethan_w: Precisely my idea
08:55 AM merethan_w: I need to call my serial DRE code once to set off a transmission.
08:56 AM merethan_w: But I´ll make my current ISR a function and call it normally, and have the ISR call the same function.
08:58 AM Kliment: yep, that's the way to do it
09:36 AM cehteh: merethan_w: that sounds more like some improper programming/design
09:37 AM cehteh: what makes you need to call it once manually? the serial interrupts are level triggered
05:42 PM nohit_ is now known as nohit
11:56 PM day__ is now known as day