#avr Logs

Jul 06 2019

#avr Calendar

08:11 AM vmt: struct/union/enum Underscored_Camel_Case, function/variable snake_case, (most) defines UPPER_CASED_SNAKE_CASE
08:21 AM cehteh: id wish typedef would be real typedef in c not just aliasing
09:10 AM vmt: hmmh. i feel like that is of nothing but semantical importance, though feel free to educate me
10:27 AM cehteh: could be part of the type system then
10:28 AM cehteh: typedef int apples; typedef int pears; then apples + pears raise an error
11:27 AM vmt: i still fail to see the significance or possible benefits
11:28 AM vmt: on any other level than semantical
04:41 PM vmt: rue_mohr: how's your projects coming along?
07:25 PM rue_mohr: I soldered togethor the sine wave osc for my bode plottte
07:25 PM rue_mohr: r
11:32 PM day__ is now known as day