#avr Logs

Jul 03 2019

#avr Calendar

12:19 AM krkini is now known as kini
06:10 AM Thrashbarg_ is now known as Thrashbarg
07:20 PM nohit: Kliment: using a debugger for debugging i2c doesnt make you dumb
07:20 PM nohit: it makes you smart
07:22 PM nohit: i mean, are you really gonna take advice from people who say "dont write the bugs in the first place" ?
07:23 PM nohit: that just tells me that the person in question hasnt worked a single day in the software industry
08:09 PM rue_mohr: why are you writing an i2c library
08:09 PM rue_mohr: flurry
08:09 PM rue_mohr: ?????
08:24 PM nohit: im not
08:30 PM nohit: and isnt that lib written in assembly ? not very portable
08:30 PM rue_mohr: I ported it to C, so it must be portable
08:30 PM rue_mohr: :P
08:30 PM rue_mohr: I have ti running on an stm32
08:31 PM rue_mohr: it
08:31 PM nohit: that doesnt make any sense
08:31 PM nohit: its the same thing as writing it from scratch
08:31 PM nohit: stm32 has totally different registers
08:31 PM rue_mohr: I ported furrys asm to C and am running it on an stm32
08:31 PM rue_mohr: :P
08:32 PM nohit: sure, if its a bit-bang lib. otherwise you just wrote a new lib for the stm32
08:33 PM rue_mohr: the bit bang library is faster and takes up less memory than the hardware library
08:33 PM rue_mohr: casue, to be honest, the hardware i2c REALLY sucks
08:35 PM nohit: in what way? and im pretty sure you experince with hardware i2c is limited to avrs
08:35 PM rue_mohr: and sucky stm32 hardware too
08:36 PM nohit: in what way?
08:36 PM rue_mohr: the flurry library is WAAAY less memory on an stm32 than using the hardware
08:36 PM rue_mohr: for stm32 I will admit the hardware can clock faster than the bitbanged code
08:40 PM salcedo: what's better about stm32 vs avr?
08:40 PM salcedo: i hear some folks in here talking about stm32 a lot and wonder why that is :)
08:41 PM nohit: that depends
08:41 PM rue_mohr: stm32 is 72Mhz
08:41 PM rue_mohr: but
08:41 PM rue_mohr: only 16Mhz io
08:41 PM rue_mohr: Microchip is gonna COMPLETELY screw up avrs tho, so I'm moving over to stm32
08:42 PM salcedo: when did microchip buy atmel - and what are the indications that they will screw up avr?
08:42 PM rue_mohr: thats my main reason
08:42 PM nohit: salcedo: very few people would choose avrs anymore for a professional design. stm32's are cheaper and better
08:42 PM rue_mohr: microchip has always and will always screw over hobbyists using their microcontrollers, its not completely apparent, but they do.
08:42 PM rue_mohr: not really completely better tho
08:42 PM salcedo: i thought stm32 was proprietary af though?
08:43 PM rue_mohr: faster, more memory, but LOTS more overhead
08:43 PM rue_mohr: stm32 is arm
08:43 PM salcedo: like you have to use winsux toolchains and expensive programmers and whatnot?
08:43 PM nohit: gcc
08:43 PM nohit: progreammer/debugger is $10
08:43 PM rue_mohr: I'm using stm32 as my move to specifically to stm32 but to arm
08:43 PM rue_mohr: no its 3
08:44 PM rue_mohr: if your paying $10 you just gave someone in the middle $7
08:44 PM salcedo: so stm32 is essentially open source as you want?
08:45 PM rue_mohr: yea?
08:45 PM nohit: when the official one is $10 you would be pretty stupid to buy a chinese knock off to save money
08:45 PM salcedo: down to the flash? no shady gate array weirdness?
08:46 PM rue_mohr: all my chineese knockoffs work fine
08:46 PM salcedo: sorry for the weird questions. had an stm32 discovery once upon a time and never did anything with it.
08:46 PM rue_mohr: oh, whats it got on it
08:46 PM rue_mohr: stm32F----
08:46 PM salcedo: yeah
08:46 PM rue_mohr: F????
08:46 PM salcedo: some kind of stm32Fsomething
08:46 PM rue_mohr: whats the something
08:46 PM rue_mohr: it makes a huge difference
08:46 PM nohit: F4 probably
08:47 PM salcedo: F4 sounds familiar. i don't have it anymore
08:47 PM rue_mohr: I'm using F103, and their low low end
08:47 PM salcedo: chucked it after i cannibalized a few parts from it
08:47 PM rue_mohr: haha
08:47 PM salcedo: it was free? :)
08:47 PM salcedo: they were giving them away when they first released them
08:48 PM salcedo: i did blinky light on it and was like "ok cool. it's an arduino but i have to write more code to make it work"
08:48 PM nohit: the nucleo boards are good. and they come with programmer/debugger, only $10 or so
08:48 PM salcedo: also at the time i don't recall there being any *nix toolchains readily available for it - so it was more hassle than worth. stuck with avrs
08:49 PM nohit: arm-gcc have been around for some time
08:49 PM salcedo: oh yea arm-gcc was around for stm32's at the time too - pretty sure.
08:49 PM salcedo: there just wasn't a lazy man's "click to download THE TOOLCHAIN so you can CODE SHIT"
08:50 PM salcedo: it was pretty involved... unless you ran windows.
08:50 PM nohit: sudo apt-get install gcc-arm-none-eabi binutils-arm-none-eabi
08:50 PM rue_mohr: and open...
08:50 PM salcedo: this is 2011 we're talking about :)
08:51 PM nohit: the toolchain is much older than that
08:51 PM salcedo: oh yeah
08:51 PM nohit: maybe you just missed it
08:52 PM nohit: because all the tools they were recommneding
08:52 PM salcedo: what i'm trying to say is - at the time there wasn't a "download this framework / IDE" for *nix - only windows.
08:52 PM salcedo: the compilers and everything existed
08:52 PM salcedo: you could certainly build and program stm32 on *nix
08:52 PM salcedo: but you were going to be doing extra work
08:53 PM salcedo: and for a free board, it wasn't worth the time
08:53 PM salcedo: platformio is a godsend
08:53 PM salcedo: i think there a few stm32 boards in there
08:54 PM salcedo: (mowandblow) [templates]  master  % pio boards stm32 | wc -l
08:54 PM salcedo: 145
08:54 PM salcedo: ok a lot of boards
08:55 PM nohit: i havent used that
08:55 PM nohit: but i took a peak when the open sourcing news came
08:55 PM salcedo: it's pretty sweet
08:57 PM salcedo: it's easier to work with than arduino ide
08:57 PM salcedo: but that's probably subjective.
08:58 PM nohit: it looks nice, but i dont have use for it. if im doing own stuff i use makefiles, and for professional work i use ST's ide
08:58 PM salcedo: i prefer to do everything in the terminal. platformio can integrate with a few different IDEs/editors which is awesome.
08:58 PM salcedo: but you can also pio init -d dir -b board --ide vim
08:58 PM salcedo: and do everything in terminal, which is what i like to do
08:59 PM salcedo: makefile for platformio is basically pio run
09:00 PM salcedo: pio run -t upload or pio run -t program to flash
09:00 PM nohit: what? that's flash command, isnt it?
09:01 PM nohit: how is it related to a makefile?
09:01 PM salcedo: pio run -t upload would be equivalent to 'make install' i suppose
09:01 PM salcedo: instead of a makefile, there is a platformio.ini that you create specific for your project/board
09:01 PM nohit: i use "make flash"
09:02 PM salcedo: i think the next iteration of this lora communicator, i will look for something non-avr just to try it
09:02 PM salcedo: if there is an stm32 with crypto modules and built-in USB, that's a plus.
09:05 PM nohit: if im doing avrs, i only need avr-gcc, avrdude, a makefile and the sources. then its just make & make flash
09:05 PM nohit: no need for platformio
09:08 PM nohit: yesterday i used CMake at work
09:10 PM nohit: its one abstraction layer up from make
09:10 PM salcedo: yep
09:28 PM nohit: i have CLion that uses CMake as its build system
09:29 PM nohit: and Android Studio also uses it for building native code
09:30 PM nohit: that's what i use at work
11:09 PM nohit: salcedo: are you still up?
11:24 PM day__ is now known as day
11:54 PM salcedo: nohit:ya
11:54 PM salcedo: designing pcb
11:58 PM nohit: i just wanted to say that ST released their first microprocessor recently, stm32M1. it has dual cortex-A core and cortex-m core. so you can run linux on the A core and do real time stuff on the M core. they even have their own linux distribution for it.
11:58 PM nohit: it also has GPU built in
11:59 PM nohit: https://blog.st.com/stm32mp1-mpu-stm32mp157a-ev1-stm32mp157c-dk2/
11:59 PM nohit: im gonna get a dev kit when they are available