#avr Logs

Jul 01 2019

#avr Calendar

10:06 AM Smashcat: Anyone here use Atmel studio 7? Wondering if it's possible to manually edit the makefile
10:11 AM cehteh: is there any? nmake?
10:15 AM Smashcat: Meh, I'll copy all the code from the .h and .c files into main.c :)
10:58 AM N3vYn: Smashcat: atmel studio is just visual studio, it's a pain to work with includes... open the projects properties -> configuration properties -> c/c++ -> General -> modify the "additional include directories"
10:59 AM N3vYn: if memory serves me right, hasn't used visual studio or windows for the past 5-6 years :P
11:00 AM Smashcat: N3vYn: Thanks, I'm just coping all the code from external files into a single file so it'll compile. I've had this problem before when importing an Arduino project. It screws up all the linking.
11:02 AM Smashcat: The weird thing is, it does include them ok (so if I add deliberate errors, the compiler finds them) but after including, the functions inside the files are not found by the file that includes them. Pretty screwed up :)
11:29 AM gsi__ is now known as gsi_
11:39 AM cehteh: -flto is magic, remove some lines of code and binyry size increases
02:44 PM vmt: N3vYn: it really isn't "a pain to work with". it really is as simple as that.
02:45 PM vmt: takes you marginally longer than writing a bunch of -Is
02:49 PM vmt: Smashcat: iirc you have to include your source dirs into the project in the solution explorer
03:29 PM Smashcat: vmt: Yep, that makes no difference with projects that have been imported from Arduino. It's just broken in Atmel Studio. Easier to just copy everything into one file :)
03:43 PM vmt: well, you could just compile and link yourself, too
03:44 PM vmt: using atmel studio brings really nothing to the table unless you're using something which you legit want to OCD, like the atmel arm lineup
03:45 PM vmt: xmegas don't count, because they just suck
03:51 PM salcedo: has anyone attempted atmel studio in wine?
03:53 PM salcedo: doesn't look like it. maybe just compile stuff in a win10 VM and then use avrdude from loonix
03:53 PM cehteh: why would one use atmel studio
03:54 PM salcedo: i might want to use it for xmega. so far i've researched that arduino cores kind of don't exist for them
03:57 PM Smashcat: vmt: I use a lot of different MCUs, and an ATMel ICE, so using Studio is the best option for me.
03:57 PM Smashcat: I'm not interested in "X suxxors, b'cause I fink so dude!!!" type comments, honestly. They mean nothing
03:58 PM salcedo: the xmega line is the only avr stuff with built-in AES crypto engine, which i'm kind of interested in playing with.
04:00 PM Smashcat: salcedo: I've heard people have managed to use it via Wine. I haven't tried it though. Use Win 10 here
08:37 PM day__ is now known as day
10:13 PM rue_mohr: dont use atmel studio, use a real coding env and a makefile or something
10:13 PM rue_mohr: everyone seems to love that free microsoft one
10:13 PM rue_mohr: the one they are gonna charge and arm and leg for next year
10:24 PM salcedo: i like platformio
10:24 PM salcedo: and vim
10:25 PM salcedo: been finding myself using avrdude directly and only using platformio for the cores/toolchains
11:26 PM day__ is now known as day