#avr Logs

Jun 27 2019

#avr Calendar

08:54 AM rue_mohr: --
09:02 PM phinxy: I have an atmega with a differential ADC, the one that can read negative and positive differences. Now I think I have all the external components set up to read a 22-52 ohm resistance.
09:06 PM phinxy: I plan to set the ADC0/1 to 10x gain and VREF to 2.56V.. Bias the voltage at one of the pins to 620mV. At the other pin the entire voltage swing is 500mV with the center ohm yielding 620mV. OK?
09:13 PM phinxy: Here is the circuit: https://tiny.cc/fvrx8y
09:22 PM rue_mohr: hi
09:23 PM rue_mohr: ok what are you doing
09:24 PM rue_mohr: phinxy, why not just set the Vref to 620mv?
09:24 PM rue_mohr: can it go that low
09:24 PM rue_mohr: hmm, maybe not
09:24 PM rue_mohr: ok
09:25 PM rue_mohr: I have not used differential before
10:02 PM phinxy: rue_mohr: 10x gain is preferable and 2.56V REF is the only thing allowed with that
10:05 PM rue_mohr: k
11:10 PM rue_mohr: polprog,
11:10 PM rue_mohr: ok, I modded it again
11:10 PM rue_mohr: it tries to load "readme.txt" into a hidden iframe
11:10 PM rue_mohr: if it succeeds, it calls a javascript fn to replace otherwise blank description text with it
11:11 PM rue_mohr: because I have a default custom 404 page, it also checks for a var called fourofour, if set to 1, it doesn't do the replace
11:11 PM rue_mohr: so, the thumbnail is another objective
11:20 PM day__ is now known as day
11:28 PM phinxy: How come avrdude finds the AVR Dragon programmer but avarice does not. I have no usb device in /dev, its weird how avrdude finds it
11:30 PM rue_mohr: ?
11:30 PM rue_mohr: dunno
11:30 PM rue_mohr: I think it goes by usb ID
11:48 PM rue_mohr: ok, I'm mauling it more...