#avr Logs

Jun 16 2019

#avr Calendar

12:14 AM vmt: i smell javascript
12:19 AM rue_shop3: totally
12:21 AM rue_shop3: so, you prefer IIS?
12:21 AM vmt: no
12:21 AM rue_shop3: ah
12:21 AM rue_shop3: you prefer netcat
12:21 AM vmt: no
12:21 AM rue_shop3: with an awk script
12:21 AM vmt: i despise *nix niggers with their shitty command line tools and languages
12:22 AM vmt: when they're super proud of knowing every fucking nook and cranny of sed, awk, find, cut, whatever the hell
12:22 AM rue_shop3: ah, you like microsofts random bug pushes
12:22 AM rue_shop3: and rebooting every 3 days
12:22 AM vmt: no. a web server is not actually that big of a task to write
12:23 AM rue_shop3: I got a major item of my todo list for summer, man am I happy
12:23 AM rue_shop3: I just need to build two CNC machines an I'm in the green
12:23 AM vmt: with optional chunked transfer (i think that's in http 1.1 only, if memory serves)
12:25 AM vmt: if you want to support tls/ssl, well then really openssl. don't really want to start to fuck around with useless crypto-bullshittery
12:25 AM rue_shop3: is that so that YOUR isp cant intercept you browing to my website and insert their ads?
12:26 AM vmt: i don't know. it's just silly and i think it's dropped in http/2.0
12:27 AM rue_shop3: why, its a read-only site
12:27 AM rue_shop3: should it have 1024 bit encryption?
12:27 AM vmt: i thought you meant chunked transfer
12:28 AM vmt: usually the content-length is specific in the headers, however with chunked encoding it's not specified, and you just get packets until you get a special packet signifying end-of-data
12:28 AM vmt: chunked transfer*
12:28 AM vmt: specific, i mean specified. so yeah, you could buffer the packets and insert something in-between
12:28 AM rue_shop3: wow, its not even 10:30 yet and I'm tired
12:29 AM vmt: is that pm?
12:29 AM rue_shop3: ?
12:29 AM vmt: 1030 pm?
12:29 AM rue_shop3: yea, 10.5 oclock at night
12:29 AM vmt: inbred north americans still haven't learned to use the clock properly
12:29 AM rue_shop3: I'm usually not tired till about 3am
12:29 AM vmt: as in, 24 hrs
12:30 AM rue_shop3: if you dont know if its morning or night, you have serious problems
12:30 AM vmt: well, unfortunately we don't all live in the same place
03:57 AM polprog: rue_mohr: that could be a good idea
09:48 AM gsi__ is now known as gsi_
03:18 PM rue_mohr: if there is a preview of the next two images on the right, html scaled, then they will be in the cache so the flip over wont have a delay, the new thumbnail that needs to load would be delayed
03:18 PM rue_mohr: and at that point, who cares :)
03:19 PM rue_mohr: but I want to work out how to attach text snippets
03:19 PM rue_mohr: I'm somewhere between txt files that match the image names, or a database file
03:20 PM rue_mohr: I like the individual files because of the modulability... mod... ule... abil... anyhow...
03:21 PM vmt: if you want it to load fast, provide them as thumbnails then
03:21 PM vmt: rather than scaling them in the browser
03:22 PM rue_mohr: no you misunderstand
03:22 PM rue_mohr: the thumbnail could be an unpainted image to achive the same goal, when the timer goes off, the image loads instantly
03:23 PM rue_mohr: BUT because its a bit stupid to not take advantage, make it a side thumbnail too
03:23 PM rue_mohr: same image so its already in the cache
03:24 PM vmt: erh?
03:25 PM rue_mohr: exactly
03:26 PM vmt: oh, i got you
03:26 PM vmt: but that only results in a longer load time
03:26 PM vmt: loading a single big image fresh to cache vs loading all the full images to cache
03:26 PM vmt: well, initial load time anyway
03:26 PM vmt: though, figures you could do progressive jpeg
03:27 PM rue_mohr: na, you still missed it
03:27 PM rue_mohr: I'd load the full image, but scale it in html
03:27 PM rue_mohr: the cache will save the source image
03:27 PM rue_mohr: so it'll load instantly when the javascript rewrites the html
03:28 PM vmt: yes, i know
03:28 PM vmt: initial page load will be longer, well whenever it loads more than a single thumbnail
03:28 PM rue_mohr: in the meantime, the html scaled thumbnail on the side will take a second to load
03:28 PM vmt: because you load the thumbnails as full images
03:28 PM rue_mohr: the timer would load the 'next' image into the thumbnail
03:29 PM vmt: so wait what, is this some double-pass thing? first load thumbnails, then load the source image to the next/prev?
03:29 PM rue_mohr: did you see the slideshow?
03:29 PM vmt: no
03:30 PM rue_mohr: http://ruemohr.org/~ircjunk/projects/3rdarm/slide.htm
03:30 PM rue_mohr: well, get up to date!
03:31 PM vmt: i can't see any thumbnails
03:31 PM rue_mohr: correct
03:31 PM rue_mohr: the topic of the converstion was about adding them
03:32 PM * rue_mohr loudly whispers to vmt "where on page 42!, second paragraph"
03:33 PM vmt: well, so you just want to add the thumbnails as scaled source images?
03:33 PM vmt: depending on how fast your poor apache can dish stuff out, it may or may not be a good idea
03:33 PM rue_mohr: if there is a preload of the next image as a html scaled image on the right, it will have a load delay, but then be ready when the timer goes off
03:37 PM rue_mohr: and who cares if the thumbnail for the next image is a delayed load
03:40 PM vmt: just use progressive jpegs and use source images
03:40 PM vmt: simplest
04:41 PM rue_mohr: but doesn't fit my application
04:42 PM vmt: why not
05:09 PM polprog: its the first page of the second chapter
05:10 PM polprog: if i catch some time ill add that
05:10 PM polprog: just some simple js stuff
05:11 PM vmt: js is so fucking god-awful
05:12 PM vmt: webassembly isn't exactly that much better either... rofl.
05:20 PM polprog: There is also macromedia flash
05:21 PM polprog: webdev is fucking awful
05:21 PM polprog: but it pays...
05:30 PM vmt: adobe!
05:32 PM polprog: oh. and java applets
05:32 PM polprog: those were the times
05:32 PM polprog: simpler times.
05:33 PM vmt: you're a bit too young for that
05:33 PM vmt: also it's unclear to me which is better, java or javascript. they're both really really bad
05:35 PM vmt: i wish browsers would just run a sandbox to expose a c-api for the dom
05:36 PM vmt: i mean, webassembly *kind* of does this, but the compiler compiles to that intermediate language which is again run through some god damn interpreter
05:52 PM polprog: i used to write java applets, dont uderestimate me
05:52 PM vmt: in soviet poland, java applets write you
05:53 PM polprog: lol
05:53 PM vmt: anyway, need to get up semi-early, i'm off
05:55 PM polprog: same. see you tomorrow
11:20 PM day__ is now known as day