#avr Logs

Jun 07 2019

#avr Calendar

07:22 AM con3|2 is now known as con3
10:17 AM day__ is now known as day
11:44 AM cehteh: http://tinyurl.com/y3ow2s3d << linear led driver how would you temperature compensate that? will it work at all in reality?
12:52 PM vmt: cehteh: that's silly
12:53 PM vmt: i was scrolled up in backlog, was a response to 150 mhz avr
01:02 PM cehteh: moderately silly, would open up avr for more applications, not really required and somewhat impossible/wont happen anyway
01:03 PM cehteh: it would have some advantages, avrs are pretty good in some things, cycles to enter an ISR for example is less than on arm
01:04 PM cehteh: simple things could be more precise/fast then, more complex things become possible
01:14 PM vmt: we already have simple enough devices capable of running clocks as high as that
01:14 PM vmt: + sold at reasonable prices
01:15 PM vmt: atmel pricing policies were always quite... yeeeah. wrt competition
01:15 PM vmt: don't know if mcp has changed things over
01:54 PM cehteh: thats true
06:51 PM davor_ is now known as davor