#avr Logs

Jun 06 2019

#avr Calendar

04:36 AM cehteh: vmt: the idea was exactly about 8 bit avr, same instructionset, not changing the arch
04:40 AM cehteh: and will never happen :)
04:41 AM rue_mohr: and go thru my whole site and link all the copies of the old scripts to the new copy
04:54 AM cehteh: ?
04:55 AM rue_mohr: polprog, helped me correct indexing errors in my slideshow script
04:56 AM polprog: :)
04:57 AM polprog: thanks agin for that. its a great little piece of tech
04:59 AM rue_mohr: I admire your focus on fixing the indexing errors up, I have not had time to put into it
05:13 AM [1]MrMobius is now known as MrMobius
10:56 AM gsi__ is now known as gsi_
04:52 PM polprog: sure thing. Ill bother you with questions when i put some time aside to go back to the VFDs (when i buy the mosfets) or finish building the barge controller
06:47 PM Jan-: oh, there's another avr channel?
06:47 PM Jan-: well I might as well ask here. why does if(PIND && (1<<PD4)) always evaluate true in the interrupt handler on PCINT2_vect, fired by that pin changing?
06:56 PM rue_mohr: Jan-, because you didn't use a macro
06:56 PM rue_mohr: if you had, you wound't be using a logical and, you would be using a bitwise one
06:56 PM rue_mohr: Jan-, shall I post the macros again?
06:57 PM rue_mohr: its a great example of how building a foundation of tested, re-usable code improves your life
06:57 PM rue_mohr: but nobody beleives me
06:58 PM Jan-: yeah I know someone told me
06:58 PM Jan-: I am an idiot
06:58 PM Jan-: one fricken character
06:58 PM rue_mohr: no
06:59 PM rue_mohr: no, on a scale large and small
06:59 PM rue_mohr: build a foundation of tested, reusable code
06:59 PM * Jan- nods as if she understands
06:59 PM Jan-: uhhuh. yeah. absolutely.
06:59 PM Jan-: *nod*
06:59 PM rue_mohr: so, what you built is a wheel
06:59 PM rue_mohr: and your going to build 4 wheels every time you make a cart
07:00 PM Jan-: I never claimed to be a software engineer.
07:00 PM Jan-: I suck.
07:00 PM rue_mohr: what I suggest is that you keep a generic wheel in stock
07:00 PM rue_mohr: then you will never have to question if its the wheels that are a problem when you make a cart and it doens't work
07:01 PM rue_mohr: myself, I take my wheels, add a frame, and then produce some custom screws to hold it togethro
07:01 PM rue_mohr: if the cart does't work, I know its not the wheels, or the frame
07:01 PM Jan-: yeah I mean
07:01 PM rue_mohr: so, the scews are the only thing I need to check
07:01 PM Jan-: not to make excuses but you know I'm doing this with a screen reader
07:02 PM rue_mohr: this allows me to *just slap togethor * REALLY complex things
07:02 PM Jan-: that stuff is hard to get
07:02 PM Jan-: now I need to write something that does a nice throbbing sort of glow on a single LED using software pwm.
07:02 PM * Jan- holds head in hands
07:04 PM rue_mohr: want my pwm software brick?
07:04 PM rue_mohr: it works
07:05 PM Jan-: ehhh.
07:05 PM Jan-: I tend to avoid using other people's stuff, it leads to entanglements
07:05 PM Jan-: "oh, you just need this huge list of 101 prerequisites"
07:05 PM Jan-: then also if it breaks you can't fix it
07:05 PM rue_mohr: not mine
07:06 PM rue_mohr: but ok
07:09 PM Jan-: you get this a lot on github
07:09 PM Jan-: "here, have my handy thing"
07:09 PM Jan-: hmm okay. "er, yeah it does need obscurething 1.0" where do I get that "I uhoh doesn't everyone have it?"
07:09 PM Jan-: and then obscurething1.0 needs somethingelse13.2
07:09 PM * Jan- waves her arms
07:09 PM Jan-: maddening
07:17 PM Jan-: and also I had forgotten that _delay_us wants a compile time integer constant :/
07:32 PM Jan-: ok thanks guys I have to sleep now
11:19 PM day__ is now known as day