#avr Logs

May 30 2019

#avr Calendar

12:34 AM day__ is now known as day
12:47 AM Smashcat: Hi, anyone here tried using an ATMega8u2 with the LUFA libraries? Got a weird problem where it can be used to emulate a Serial port, but cannot work as a keyboard (get a "device not recognised") error in Windows. Wondering if LUFA does not support the chip correctly.
02:47 AM Krock: Hello. I'm trying to set up CMake so that I can include avr libraries easily (ubuntu). Problem: https://pastebin.com/raw/pM7BKtPE CMakeLists.txt: https://pastebin.com/raw/GJ5H21u6
02:47 AM Krock: I'd appreciate any help :)
02:48 AM Krock: "-Wl" was mentioned as a workaround but that seems to be an unrecognised argument for avg-gcc
03:22 AM Smashcat: Hi, anyone here tried using an ATMega8u2 with the LUFA libraries? Got a weird problem where it can be used to emulate a Serial port, but cannot work as a keyboard (get a "device not recognised") error in Windows. Wondering if LUFA does not support the chip correctly.
04:38 AM gsi__ is now known as gsi_
08:27 AM Smashcat: Anyone here use AVR Studio? Wondering if there's a way to "auto-add" in include file to all other files in the project?
10:08 AM Smashcat: #arduino
10:13 AM nohit: why would that feature would be useful? unless you have really, really, really large project
10:14 AM nohit: im not even sure what you mean
10:15 AM nohit: adding #include "file.h" to all .c files in the project automatically ?
10:15 AM nohit: or what
10:16 AM nohit: Smashcat
10:19 AM Smashcat: I sorted it in the end using the --include flag to the compiler. Had a file of #defines I needed all over the place and didn't want to manually add it to them all
10:21 AM nohit: ok
10:23 AM polprog: sed to the rescue :p
10:23 AM polprog: not the first time i had to programatically edit C source files :p
10:26 AM PoppaVic: an include of includes - mischief managed.
11:29 PM day__ is now known as day