#avr Logs

May 17 2019

#avr Calendar

09:03 AM merethan_w: What is the easiest way to make a float var NaN?
09:08 AM merethan_w: NaN is a legal float state btw. Division by zero results in NaN or undefined, as infinite cannot be defined on its own, but needs to be positive infinite or negative infinite.
09:27 AM rue_mohr: isn't NaN defined in math.h?
09:47 AM merethan_w: Indeed it is rue_mohr, tnx
09:48 AM merethan_w: Gonna test it now
10:23 AM merethan_w: Are there interrupt vectors available on xmega that can be triggered from user code? I use various ones to handle hw events and such, but I´d like to have one I can manually trigger as well.
10:23 AM merethan_w: What keyword should I search for?
10:26 AM merethan_w: It is basically to set off an ISR with a lower priority from high priority code. This lower priority ISR will then run once the higher ones have finished.
10:27 AM rue_mohr: why you using xmega?
10:27 AM merethan_w: And the higher ones can interrupt the lower priority one again too, if need be.
10:27 AM merethan_w: Because the hardware is designed that way rue_mohr
10:27 AM rue_mohr: I think xmega is a funny middle thing, rather go with a mega or an arm, nothing in between
10:28 AM merethan_w: So far I´m happy with it.
10:29 AM rue_mohr: did you ever try out the rabbit microcontrollers?
10:29 AM merethan_w: Also, I have no say in the matter as the product is already out there in the wild.
10:29 AM merethan_w: Maybe the next generation.
10:29 AM rue_mohr: did the rabbit controllers EOL yet?
10:50 AM rue_shop3: for me, focusing on 2 controllers means more time finishing projects and less time setting up dev environments
02:36 PM polprog: rue_mohr: would you mind sharing the gallery script?
04:32 PM rue_mohr: sure, but I want something for it
04:33 PM rue_mohr: polprog, there is a bug. If you pause, then click the step forward and backwards buttons, it 'jumps over' an image
04:33 PM rue_mohr: its due to the way it increments the pointer to the list.
04:33 PM rue_mohr: you can use it if you send me a patch for that.
04:33 PM rue_mohr: whattda say?
09:29 PM polprog: rue_mohr: sure, i can look into it
11:13 PM day__ is now known as day