#avr Logs

May 10 2019

#avr Calendar

01:29 AM ville: i recently purchased some avrispmkii clone and to update its firmware software called FLIP was suggested on windows. Is there a linux alternative?
01:54 AM rue_mohr: hm
01:54 AM rue_mohr: its funny, the usbasp even works fine for me
01:55 AM rue_mohr: I wonder what all you people are doing that cuases you so many issues
02:59 AM janco_ is now known as janco
04:23 AM nohit: avrispmkii clone != usbasp
07:11 AM _abc_: Hi. I am studying arduino internals (stock libs) to create a hook for interrupt code I need to support some hw I made. I can see no trace of an attempt to provide a hook to TIM0 interrupt in the oem lib. Is there such a thing? A hook?
07:12 AM _abc_: Also, if one modifies the oem libs, is there a way to do it out-of-tree so they rebuild without modifying the original one in the running arduino ide distribution?
07:12 AM _abc_: Surely someone did this already, and has a makefile to show etc?
07:17 AM _abc_: The code in the oem lib is described here, among other places, fyi: http://urbanhonking.com/ideasfordozens/2009/05/18/an_tour_of_the_arduino_interna/ at SIGNAL(TIMER0_OVF_vect)
07:22 AM _abc_: Ah, ok, ladayada has some working code, using a CCRA interrupt. Noted. https://learn.adafruit.com/multi-tasking-the-arduino-part-2/timers
07:22 AM _abc_: Is there some comprehensive comparison guide/resource usage table online to see which libs try to use which resources? For obvious reasons I would like to use something which is as unused by others as possible. Is CCRA interrupt handler use popular?
07:33 AM _abc_: This suggests declaring the oem lib impl of timer0 OVF isr weak, then implementing a custom one in the normal code. This would probably rebuild the oem libs only once. Do you consider this a good solution? https://arduino.stackexchange.com/questions/41788/use-timer0-without-affecting-millis-and-micros
07:41 AM cehteh: just do whatever works, roll that out, when it breaks, fix it :D
07:41 AM cehteh: there is no resource allocation in arduino, things often collide
07:45 AM _abc_: cehteh: sounds like you like pain :) Okay, one opinion for 10 lines of writing :) Thanks.
07:47 AM cehteh: nah .. i dont use arduino
07:52 AM cehteh: my lng time plan is to implement some preprocessor based static resource control and configuration
07:57 AM _abc_: yes there should be something, perhaps just literate programming style comments /* @uses: timer0.ccra */ etc
01:00 PM gsi__ is now known as gsi_
07:59 PM rue_mohr: morning
11:20 PM day__ is now known as day