#avr Logs

May 09 2019

#avr Calendar

12:50 AM gsi__ is now known as gsi_
01:36 AM rue_bed: o2 should be readable
01:46 AM nohit: morning
03:24 AM cehteh: morning
03:25 AM cehteh: rue_bed: its mostly lto that makes it unreadable and bit -Os
07:21 AM pwillard_ is now known as pwillard
09:02 AM rue_mohr: I used gcc to frame out some firmware for me, the debug stuff seemed to be the most annoying
09:08 AM cehteh: i have mostly size optimization concerns
06:50 PM gruetzkopf: gewt: birbsite threw your tweet about your phone numbers into my FOV, and i see mitel listed. do you happen to have experience with mitel gen1 ipdect? (rfp31)
06:51 PM gruetzkopf: also yay too many phone numbers, i have three disjunct "2-digit" DID blocks
11:20 PM day__ is now known as day