#avr Logs

May 06 2019

#avr Calendar

02:48 AM rue_bed: --
07:13 AM daniel_jackson: hi friend
07:38 AM nohit: hi
10:57 AM merethan_w: I´m designing a system where I have one MCU with RS485 and an I2C master implementation, with the sole purpose of reading and writing to registers on the slave I2C devices connected to it.
10:57 AM merethan_w: Currently I am cooking up my own protocol to do this, but if there´s one out there already, I rather implement a standard of sorts. Do any of you know something intended for this use?
11:08 AM merethan_w: If there´s some popular chip out there for this specific purpose, I can implement its command set for example.
03:06 PM cehteh: anyone of you know libs for avr that implement strange integer sizes 24, 40, 48 bits for example?
04:12 PM LeoNerd: cehteh: I vaguely recall that avr-gcc does uint24_t on its own
05:52 PM Thrashbarg_ is now known as Thrashbarg
11:24 PM day__ is now known as day